I have two inquiries regarding training that I cant seem to find a scientific explanation for, generally speaking the majority of sports are becoming more and more scientific whereas for boxing there still seem to be alot of room for myths (or martial arts in general).
1) What evidence is there to show that my abs with get better at absorbing punches or "stronger" if my training partner punches it or drops a medicine ball at it?
My understanding: is that the bigger the muscle, the better it absorbs impact, if so shouldnt muscular hypertrophy be the goal for abs.
The only potential positive outcome to this I think is to learn how to time the exhale before getting hit with a body shot so you dont get winded.
2) is there any scientific evidence that shows training your neck will help lessen the impact on the brain?
My understanding:
Logically the same concept of my previous understanding would apply, where the size of the muscle would help better absorb punches, but the force already affected the brain before the neck muscles really can do anything to lessen the damage, infact it would seem that building neck muscles would be counterintiutive as it would resist against the force coming at it and all the energy will explode inside the head.
it seems to me that it helps your head stay on your body or maybe strengthen neck muscles enough so the neck wouldnt cramp from the impact rather than have any impact on lessening the likelihood of a knockout
Thank you for your responses in advance, would love to have this cleared up.
1) What evidence is there to show that my abs with get better at absorbing punches or "stronger" if my training partner punches it or drops a medicine ball at it?
My understanding: is that the bigger the muscle, the better it absorbs impact, if so shouldnt muscular hypertrophy be the goal for abs.
The only potential positive outcome to this I think is to learn how to time the exhale before getting hit with a body shot so you dont get winded.
2) is there any scientific evidence that shows training your neck will help lessen the impact on the brain?
My understanding:
Logically the same concept of my previous understanding would apply, where the size of the muscle would help better absorb punches, but the force already affected the brain before the neck muscles really can do anything to lessen the damage, infact it would seem that building neck muscles would be counterintiutive as it would resist against the force coming at it and all the energy will explode inside the head.
it seems to me that it helps your head stay on your body or maybe strengthen neck muscles enough so the neck wouldnt cramp from the impact rather than have any impact on lessening the likelihood of a knockout
Thank you for your responses in advance, would love to have this cleared up.