The only mobility lifting heavy could possibly benefit can only be achieved if the lifter goes up with nothing but pure explosiveness on every rep. I could see this benefitting punching, but even then if you're doing that on bench press, over time your chest will get too big for a proper stance and then your elbows won't protect your midsection as well.
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gain without weights?
Lifting weights does not decrease your mobility! Infact, it will increase your "mobility" and help your explosiveness as long as you do it right. Here is an example: First, make sure you use a weight that is approx 20-30lbs less than your 1rep max. And do explosive reps. Right after you are done, complete the set with a reps of plyometric pushups (explosive pushups/clap pushups). Take a few minute break (you should be exhausted), and repeat. This is an effective routine that will only HELP.
The No No's (for boxers):
- Don't lift too often (2-3 a week maximum)
- Don't body build (only do exercises that use whole body, or many muscles)
- Don't use your max weight and practice slow reps (THIS WILL MAKE YOU SLOW!)