anyone know the routines? like heavy bag in minutes, miles ran etc
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Anyone know what george foreman's training routine was in both careers?
pull cars, chop down tree's , heavy bag, throw boulders rotationally, throw kettle-bells across gym floor, move hay bails with a fork form side to side all day, lift cement bags all day in alternate arms
being a big strong lad is for 0 if he has little hip activation, he's like a girl, even black men with huge hips r like this
Not this , maybe the sumo variations or walking lunges, power lifting is for sh,it done the normal way, there's cross over into power and endurance but its mostly for **** when it comes to punch power, hips are where it mostly comes from, only so much form the legs and it doesn't hit the hips that well because they are stronger than the legs , u need the hip/emphasized or hip dominant variations and they wont activate the hips like working all day does
Last edited by AlexKid; 01-30-2020, 01:38 PM.
When do you really use your legs in a punch? You do when you get low, crouch to punch, but also you are using the backside to drive the punch (not talking rotation) EVEN when you use the legs (if you do it well) see the car pull, so its mostly hips and then hips dont just need max strength like with weights they mostly need activation!!
Thats because we r not meant to have a high level of fine control over them by nature (the link between them and your brain is very weak compared to other muscles and harder to change) so u have to go to some very high reps to get the control you want
They need to be hit all fcuking day only then can u get or use your power.
Youll also find your hips are already so fcuking powerful that your focus is on activation not strength gains, and activation is so hard to come by and so potent that most of your efforts will be in that direction for good results, and ull find going heavy on the hips will not bring that greater results by comparison.
But still do both but a very short time on the max strength and a load on the activation or repetitionsLast edited by AlexKid; 01-30-2020, 01:54 PM.
Id put my money on a bloke from a building site lifting paving slabs and heavy **** all day, over this steroid taking black power lifter, for punching power and for winning a fight
simply because the workman has better hip activation , and better real world functional strength
the powerlifter has strong big hips but poor control over them, and loads of strength but in a not so functional way, its more strength but used less dynamically and fights need dynamic strength thats strong in any direction
Alot of what the power lifter is doing is impident effort
Thats partly why you get hench as fcuk boxers that cant punch hard and gas quick, and weak looking ones that can hit like hellLast edited by AlexKid; 01-30-2020, 02:13 PM.
Olympic lifting, gymnastics, powerlifting, wrestling, bjj, power lifting, strong man, "work man", its a shame they dont make strong man into a sport that suits the grappling aspect of fighting too
I think Marius Pudzanoski probably go out grappled too man handled in the grappling in MMA that doenst feel right even though its part technique also, since strong man is so dynamic and random already its a shame they cant tailor it to the grappling aspect of fighting so these strength athletes can cross over more easily and build strength worth building that has use.
I think alot of strength athletes are trying to be hard too, and it seems such a waste for such strong men white men especially to only be good at squat and bench press its just doenst translate into anything useful
Strength training should be about dynamic strength and fighting too imo
The strong men should be competing for punching power, wrestling, competing for explosive strength, isometric strength, and for dynamic all around strength
Not lift a fcuking ball onto a post or shoulder press a tree thats fcuking r-tar,ded, because it doesn't cross over into anything else impressive
Its like an impident show of strengthLast edited by AlexKid; 01-30-2020, 02:44 PM.
Id have strong man be a series of events the same with points system but better events more suited to fighting and useful dynamic applications of strength.
A Freestyle wrestling event or catch wrestling/ bjj combined
A punching power or shot put style event, preferably punching power scored / recorded
An explosive power event, where explosiveness is scored, like sprints or summo wrestling maybe
An isometric strength event that isnt some kind of isolation exercise more whole body isometric and eccentric strength, event, inspired by gymnastics
A dynamic all round strength event, where all around dynamic strength is tested
Strength endurance like what a workman does as an event activating the hips and testing strength endurance to failure
Then maybe your best lifts for the big lifts olympic and power and their variations
Then they could far more easily cross over to MMA and be a menace rather than a joke, they deserve to get the respect they are genetically entitled to.
This fcuking beast of a man thats strong as fcuk but vulnerable to a fighter just doesn't cut it for me.
Or this powerlifter that cant only do 3 lifts and thats all hes about thats not as impressive and kinda impident in a way
Strength is so dynamic and it should be built in a dynamic way and medals should be awarded for useful strength not for specific redundant strength thats only for one thing 1 fcuking move, or 3 because they are arguably not even strong compared to say a wrestler who has true dynamic strengthLast edited by AlexKid; 01-30-2020, 03:05 PM.
Could you imagine the top guy to come out of my strongman he would be a fcuking menace instead of a big strong guy thats vulnerable to a fighter, which is just gay
he would be able to exert his superior strength and his grappling ability on a fighter, he would almost be like a fighter himself just with a specialized style
and he would cross over into mma very well and quicklyLast edited by AlexKid; 01-30-2020, 03:09 PM.