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Rotational power when punching

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    Rotational power when punching

    What are some exercises to improve rotational power when throwing punches? I use proper technique, but not a lot of force comes out of it. Is it just a matter of getting stronger, or are there specific exercises for this?

    You're not using optional technique then. Even little or skinny guys can feel their power improve via technique. It takes time and training to feel it out though. Are you training under a coach? Because, some people think they're going to figure it out through YouTube videos but you can't critique your own form like that.

    As far as exercise goes, overall fitness helps but actually punching is the main thing. Rotational power is not a muscle thing, it's more physics. But, if you're doing road work, lunges, etc, that's a good start as having strong legs helps.


      Call me crazy but I’m thinking if you want to increase your rotational power, spend a lot of time on the heavy bag throwing hooks. Work on speed and technique, throw from both sides high and low. There just isn’t any substitute for repetition.


        You need a partner for this. You stand in your stance hold a medicine ball in your back hand and throw it just like your throwing a straight punch to your partner . They throw it back to you rinse and repeat.
        The resistance of the ball can help you feel yourself use your legs and rotate your upper body.

        Plus lots of shadow boxing working on technique. At least out here I think shadow boxing is under used. 4 rounds was the minimum we had to do before finishing the warm up when I was boxing. Once I started committing myself to lots of shadow boxing I found myself improving much faster.
        When people practice mostly on a bag or pads you are landing 100% of your punches which is unrealistic. Often instead of rotation people lean forward into their punches and compromise their balance and ability to fire a second punch if they miss the first. It’s easy to tell if you are not rotating properly when you are shadowboxing.

