This is the workout we do at my GYM, **** isnt named so ill explain, DOES THIS **** SEEM KINDA HARD TO YOU ALL?
on feet with knees bent and in a sorta seating postion
200 arm extended small circles (forward-backward)
200 crossing arm circles big (forward-backward)
200 side to side shoulder and elbow rolls (elbows bent going from left to right)
2-3 min of forward pushes (front, left, right, down and back)
6 sets of 50 jumping jacks
On the ground
2 min leg ups 3 inches of ground
10 leg up and downs
10 leg crosses up and downs
10 leg scissors up and downs
1-2 min Superman (hands and legs off the ground on your belly straight out)
20 body push ups (legs out and a lil more then shoulder length apart butt up going (up and down)
20 pelvis push ups (just the other way around from the formentioned)
50-75 situps
with 15 pound medicine ball
15 medicine ball situps
15 medicine ball pushups
10 arms extended up and downs fowarded, left and right each side
and we end off with 15 more pushups with the pushup sticks!
AFTER THIS WE EITHER SPAR FOR 3-4 rds or hit the mitts and bag
Does anyone else get worked like this on the daily bases not to mention i missed about 4-5 excersizes to hard to explain we get in the gym at about 6:30-7 and dont leave til about 9-930
on feet with knees bent and in a sorta seating postion
200 arm extended small circles (forward-backward)
200 crossing arm circles big (forward-backward)
200 side to side shoulder and elbow rolls (elbows bent going from left to right)
2-3 min of forward pushes (front, left, right, down and back)
6 sets of 50 jumping jacks
On the ground
2 min leg ups 3 inches of ground
10 leg up and downs
10 leg crosses up and downs
10 leg scissors up and downs
1-2 min Superman (hands and legs off the ground on your belly straight out)
20 body push ups (legs out and a lil more then shoulder length apart butt up going (up and down)
20 pelvis push ups (just the other way around from the formentioned)
50-75 situps
with 15 pound medicine ball
15 medicine ball situps
15 medicine ball pushups
10 arms extended up and downs fowarded, left and right each side
and we end off with 15 more pushups with the pushup sticks!
AFTER THIS WE EITHER SPAR FOR 3-4 rds or hit the mitts and bag
Does anyone else get worked like this on the daily bases not to mention i missed about 4-5 excersizes to hard to explain we get in the gym at about 6:30-7 and dont leave til about 9-930