Ok everyone I'm going to post my weekly regimen and I'd like for you to let me know what you think.
Monday: Lower body weight day.
Squats: 3 sets of 5 at 210 lbs
3 sets of 10 at 180 lbs
Leg Press: 3 sets of 5 at 250 lbs
3 sets of 12 at 215 lbs
Leg Curls: 3 sets of 8 at 100 lbs
3 sets of 12 at 80 lbs
Calf raises: 3 sets of 8 at 175 lbs
3 sets of 12 at 150
Tuesday is my rest day. I'll still do calisthenics and biking.
Wednesday: Running. I run at 20 sec jog and 10 sec sprints for 3 minutes. Take 1 min break and repeat for 5 rounds. Then end with a mile at a good slow pace. After that I'll shadow box for 5 more 3 minute rounds. Then the heavy bag for a other 3 rounds of 3 mins.
Thursday: Heavy bag strict day. Warm up with 5 rounds of 2 mins jumprope. Shadow box 3 rounds of 2 mins. Then 6 rounds on heavy bag with 1 min in between rounds. Cool down with a mile light jog and more jumprope.
Friday: Upper body weight day.
Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 at 185 lbs
3 sets of 10 at 140 lbs
Tricep pulls: 3 sets of 5 on 70 lbs
3 sets of 10 on 50 lbs
Dips: 3 sets of 5 with an extra 25 lbs
3 sets of 8 with no extra weight
Lat Pulls downs: 3 sets of 5 at 130 lbs
3 sets of 10 at 110 lbs
Shoulders shrugs are at 70 lbs per arm until failure
Shoulders press: 3 sets of 5 at 35 lbs
3 sets until failure at 25 lbs
Saturday: Same running routine as stated above with shadowboxing and heavybag. I also spend a lot of time on pivot drills, head movement and simulating countering in yhe mirror.
Sunday: Plyometric Day with shadowboxing boxing and heavy bag. I do Plyometric push-ups, jumping squats, box jumps, clapping pull ups and lots of jumprope with shadowboxing and heavybag.
Lemme know what you think!
Monday: Lower body weight day.
Squats: 3 sets of 5 at 210 lbs
3 sets of 10 at 180 lbs
Leg Press: 3 sets of 5 at 250 lbs
3 sets of 12 at 215 lbs
Leg Curls: 3 sets of 8 at 100 lbs
3 sets of 12 at 80 lbs
Calf raises: 3 sets of 8 at 175 lbs
3 sets of 12 at 150
Tuesday is my rest day. I'll still do calisthenics and biking.
Wednesday: Running. I run at 20 sec jog and 10 sec sprints for 3 minutes. Take 1 min break and repeat for 5 rounds. Then end with a mile at a good slow pace. After that I'll shadow box for 5 more 3 minute rounds. Then the heavy bag for a other 3 rounds of 3 mins.
Thursday: Heavy bag strict day. Warm up with 5 rounds of 2 mins jumprope. Shadow box 3 rounds of 2 mins. Then 6 rounds on heavy bag with 1 min in between rounds. Cool down with a mile light jog and more jumprope.
Friday: Upper body weight day.
Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 at 185 lbs
3 sets of 10 at 140 lbs
Tricep pulls: 3 sets of 5 on 70 lbs
3 sets of 10 on 50 lbs
Dips: 3 sets of 5 with an extra 25 lbs
3 sets of 8 with no extra weight
Lat Pulls downs: 3 sets of 5 at 130 lbs
3 sets of 10 at 110 lbs
Shoulders shrugs are at 70 lbs per arm until failure
Shoulders press: 3 sets of 5 at 35 lbs
3 sets until failure at 25 lbs
Saturday: Same running routine as stated above with shadowboxing and heavybag. I also spend a lot of time on pivot drills, head movement and simulating countering in yhe mirror.
Sunday: Plyometric Day with shadowboxing boxing and heavy bag. I do Plyometric push-ups, jumping squats, box jumps, clapping pull ups and lots of jumprope with shadowboxing and heavybag.
Lemme know what you think!