I find with a lot of boxers, they limit their ability to get stronger and produce force because of postural deficiencies. Tucking your shoulder in to protect your chin and the constant movement of punching, causes a lot of rounded shoulders. This constant pushing is not balanced out by pulling movements and permanent internal rotation of the upper arm occurs.
Many boxers would be best to STOP bench pressing for a month or so, and concentrate on rolling and stretching their pecs and doing a heap of band pull aparts as part of their warm ups.
If we can get the shoulders back where they should be and increase the size of the platform to push off (lats), in turn, we can produce greater force.
In short:
Big focus on lengthening pecs
Band pull aparts, YTWLs etc are a great addition to a warm up
Pulling/rowing exercise volume should be at least 2:1 to push (if you do 30 reps of pushing exercises in your program, you should do at least 60 rows)
Shrugs, face pulls or external rotations are a great way to finish every upper body training session (rotate between them, 3x20, 4x15 etc and no need to go super heavy)
All the best with your training!
Many boxers would be best to STOP bench pressing for a month or so, and concentrate on rolling and stretching their pecs and doing a heap of band pull aparts as part of their warm ups.
If we can get the shoulders back where they should be and increase the size of the platform to push off (lats), in turn, we can produce greater force.
In short:
Big focus on lengthening pecs
Band pull aparts, YTWLs etc are a great addition to a warm up
Pulling/rowing exercise volume should be at least 2:1 to push (if you do 30 reps of pushing exercises in your program, you should do at least 60 rows)
Shrugs, face pulls or external rotations are a great way to finish every upper body training session (rotate between them, 3x20, 4x15 etc and no need to go super heavy)
All the best with your training!