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Boxing Footwork technique?

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    Boxing Footwork technique?

    Hi I started boxing about a month an a half ago and I have been improving massively this last 3 week (all you can improve at 15 years old) and my footwork is better but I still feeling like sometimes I am moving in a non-correct way like little jumps in stead of short nice steps . Any advice?
    Could any one give a list of actual boxers with great footwork technique ?

    (this is a re-post to the correct forum)

    Originally posted by MiguelNG View Post
    Hi I started boxing about a month an a half ago and I have been improving massively this last 3 week (all you can improve at 15 years old) and my footwork is better but I still feeling like sometimes I am moving in a non-correct way like little jumps in stead of short nice steps . Any advice?
    Could any one give a list of actual boxers with great footwork technique ?

    (this is a re-post to the correct forum)
    Well, just practice moving side to side, or laterally, and moving forward & backwards, in boxing stance, and slowly. Know what foot to lead with during these four motions (forward, back, left, right). Learn how to pivot, clockwise & counterclockwise, from the lead foot. It's okay to have a galloping motion when moving forward or backward. But, just practice different things, like galloping in boxing stance and traditional forward and backward motion. Also, practice throwing the jab, and pushing forward with the lead foot at the same time, in order to move forward. This is considered a strong jab. You can also practice throwing the jab and moving backward. Just take small steps, though, and slowly. Finally, practice throwing 1-2 and moving forwards and backward, also slowly.


      Lateral move; Try to keep the spread of your feet no longer than your shoulder length as a beginner. This will insure you to have good balance and not get to wide.
      Never cross your feet! Never bring them together, keep a 7' to 8" separation at all times. As you get more comfortable you can increase the stride and increase the closeness distance.
      Move laterally both left & right using the shoulder length stride, this is called the boxers step! Once you get comfortable make sure your not looking at your feet. Those who look down will go down!!
      Step Forwards; As you move forward your lead foot stays in the lead and you "sword fence" step keeping a shoulders length distance. This is for your jab moving forward. Back up without changing foot leads and remember in a match you only back up a step or two then you "turn out". However for practice you can back up 20 feet if you want to.
      Use a mirror often to check the distance between shoulders and feet spread. You should be able to feel the balance area soon and realize when your out of balance (to wide or to narrow) without balance you will get moved off your feet and get hurt so work hard at it and it should be atleast 5 rounds (3 min.) every day. Start or finish your workouts with the shadow balancing. It makes no difference when you do it just do it!
      good luck, hope you have a trainer who knows & cares!
      Ray Corso


        I always like to watch and emulate somebody myself, using full length mirrors. There's a great video of Willie Pep on youtube called:

        Boxing with Wilson Pitts- film study of Willie Pep tactics

        Its pretty neat check it out. Pep had amazing footwork.

