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    Hey guys im on a mission to lose as much weight as possible starting today. Yes im overweight but im also motivated to box. I'm 5'11 and 275 but will be posting my weight on here every month at this time to show you guys my progress. Does anybody have any tips for me(good or bad) that I can take with me(like what should I eat...etc)?
    Last edited by Lion12; 07-03-2013, 11:22 AM.

    Drink tons of water. Eat at least two bowls of salad a day. Eat a lot of
    Good clean high protein foods like fish, grilled chicken, turkey, quinoa. Strength train with weights. Some running intervals with 30 sec of speed and 30 sec rest for 10 minutes. Be patient my friend, the weight will drop.
    Last edited by Trigger unhappy; 06-23-2013, 09:04 AM.


      okay sweet that helps alot. What about carbs.....what should I eat other than fruits and vegetables?


        Very easy sacrifices to help drop weight would be to eliminate all breads! Even the so-called "5 grain" offerings! Cut back red meat intake to no more than twice a week, use fish and white meat three times a week the rest of the time eat vegitables and fruits and raw is always better than cooked!
        Drink lots of water and a 1 mile walk early in the morning or at night is a must if you don't jog or run. This very basic and easy no sacrifice approach will work well. A friend just used this formate and in 10 months lost 45 pounds!
        Thats pretty good considering he didn't have the option of training hard or running because of serious back problems! I've suggested this program for many years and theres always success using it! Ray.


          It's also a good idea to eat 5-6 small meals per day in stead of 3 big ones to get your metabolism going.

          Good luck.


            Sounds simple but start your day off with breakfast that doesn't include sugars or bread -- if you skip breakfast you will probably eat more as the day goes on, and if you eat a breakfast with sugar or bread you will kick off a craving that will have you wanting to eat more sugars during the day.

            Read the South Beach Diet book. It is written by an esteemed heart doctor so it is healthy and will teach you a new way to eat. That is the best advice I can give you.

            Like the guy said, drink a lot of water. It isn't going to do you any good to just sweat off water weight because you'll gain it right back, and water will keep you full so you won't want to eat as much.

            Do NOT starve yourself and skip a lot of meals. You'll lose some weight at first but then you'll eventually be really hungry and you'll overeat and gain it back (and maybe more) in a bad way. The suggestion of 5 or 6 smaller meals (at least two of which being salads) is a very good one.

            Good luck. I think the idea of posting your weight here each week -- and do it whether the news is good or bad -- is a good way to motivate yourself. Last thing you want to do is come back and say "I gained 10 pounds," and thinking of that might make you skip that urge to order a pizza or drink a soda.

            Another thing to understand is that even if you are successful and drop some weight, you will hit a plateau and that can be very frustrating. I usually drop a quick 10 pounds when I diet, but that next 10 pounds takes weeks and I want it to go faster -- just doesn't work that way. So if you get down to 265 or even 255 or 245 or whatever in a relatively short time, be prepared that it's going to slow down and that the weight you take off slowly, the right way, is more likely to stay off longer.

            It took you a while to get to your weight, so don't expect it to all come off overnight.

