How many of you REALLY do eye feints? Looking to add a new feint to start trying and obviously a very different one is eye feints (looking one way striking another,etc)
Questions are, 1 is it really that effective and do a lot of fighters use it?
2 - Prob very hard to find since seeing the eyes in a fight would be considerably hard but does anyone know any fighters who are/were known for this, any examples?
3- is it worth adding to my game....or could it be easily subsituted?
thanks in advance Ive been thinking about this tactic a lot
Questions are, 1 is it really that effective and do a lot of fighters use it?
2 - Prob very hard to find since seeing the eyes in a fight would be considerably hard but does anyone know any fighters who are/were known for this, any examples?
3- is it worth adding to my game....or could it be easily subsituted?
thanks in advance Ive been thinking about this tactic a lot