dont wait to go to the gym, if you have to pay a trainer, have them put you on a routine that begins with fundamentals. 3 times a week (2 hours a day)to start of is good depending on how much it costs.
If you are going to a PAL (that may be free -depending on your age- and if there is room for you) make sure you listen to the trainers and keep working when the bell rings.
Then after 1 or 2 months of hard work the trainer will see that you are serious and work more with you.
only after this you may know where you are in terms of potentially sparing or fighting.
If you are going to a PAL (that may be free -depending on your age- and if there is room for you) make sure you listen to the trainers and keep working when the bell rings.
Then after 1 or 2 months of hard work the trainer will see that you are serious and work more with you.
only after this you may know where you are in terms of potentially sparing or fighting.