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FOA: Amateur boxers

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    dont wait to go to the gym, if you have to pay a trainer, have them put you on a routine that begins with fundamentals. 3 times a week (2 hours a day)to start of is good depending on how much it costs.

    If you are going to a PAL (that may be free -depending on your age- and if there is room for you) make sure you listen to the trainers and keep working when the bell rings.

    Then after 1 or 2 months of hard work the trainer will see that you are serious and work more with you.

    only after this you may know where you are in terms of potentially sparing or fighting.


      I fought after one week of being in the gym. If you wanna fight... Fight.


        Originally posted by Cutthroat View Post
        How many hours do you train in the gym?

        I'm going to start boxing in 2-3 months, I'm going to be using these few months to run to help increase my cardio, lift for strength, plyometrics etc. so the transition will be much easier and I won't show up all out of shape.

        So, how many hours do you train in the gym? And how many days out of the week do you train and take off?
        I want to participate in this conversation so badly but the extreme competitor in me forces me to keep this information private, might you try and outperform/do me in the gym, and heaven forbid in the ring, as I compete as well.

        Of course, I typed the above without even reading your post, you don't have any experience, I think my regimen is safe, but I will withhold this valuable information anyway, just to be safe.

        The only advice I will give is this, if you want to get into boxing, do it now, don't wait months to go by, boxing/the workouts it brings blasts you into shape anyway, "getting into shape to then box later" is pointless in my opinion, boxing will get you in shape in the first place, and in better shape than any other workout standing alone, I have tried them all in harsh environments and I always came back to/swore on boxing as the best workout. (by boxing I mean actual boxing and all that comes with it, what comes with it? Depends on you/your trainer/gym)


          Originally posted by IBox85 View Post
          I fought after one week of being in the gym. If you wanna fight... Fight.
          What country are you from?

          How did you manage to get your medical / registration sorted so quickly?

          I find it very difficult to believe that any reputable trainer would put someone in their first amateur bout after 1 week of training.


            My coach had me spar 3 days after going to the gym but i had experience in other martial arts background and i trained by myself for like a year before since my dad got me a punching bag and i started studying videos of various boxers.

            I used to train 3 times a week with a trainer and the rest i'd train alone for about an hour and a half or two, road work during the night for about 30 minutes.


              I started off season so had the chance to train for like 3 months before my first bout. So many people come to the gym and are so keen to fight that they rush into it and end up getting their ass kicked and embarassed most of them you never see again after that but some came back for more and if we talk they say they rushed into their first fight and wished they spent more time learnin the fundamentals


                I only had one young man who fought within a month of entering my gym.
                There are certain lessons that I teach for beginners that need to be learned even if their mentality is ready to fight! The young fellow I had was the son of an outstanding athelte that I played football with in high school and semi pro and he was getting out of hand in the streets. So getting him in the fights quick had a purpose! This kid didn't have to train or needed me at all. He could feint and counter with the best fighters I 've ever seen. His movement was like watching Pep. He beat the Jersey state champ in the J.O. program giving away 30 lbs in an exhibition but everyone saw him dominate a v4ery good boxer!
                Point being their are exceptions but with me I need to see certain technques and methods need to to talked about and worked on.
                A normal workout period for an amatuer fighter ages 12 to 20 would consist of
                5 to 6 days a week in the gym and average 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
                A boxer who is competeing is about the same but the effort and focus is kicked up....Alot!!
                On average I had about 50% of the kids be able to box and from them about 10% that were regional and national competitors. Out of the 50% that weren't competitive about 30% stayed and were important participates in gym activity!

                Take your time about booking a fight but you should go to the gym and observe whats in store for you!!

                Off note; I had an older guy (32) we called THE Perk who fought once after years in the gym as a main sparring parther for amatuer top competitors and some pros who he immated their coming opponents. He could mimick anyones style and after 5 years in the gym I matched him with Conn. state middleweight champ and he out boxed using 3 different style for each round, he was NUT!! But we loved the guy he was very helpfull in the gym! Ray
                Last edited by Ray Corso; 07-13-2013, 04:13 PM.


                  I'm from Philly. And I started in summer of 08 when there was a amateur boxing event every weekend and sometimes twice a week. Medical/ registeration? We went to a free clinic and I think I paid something like $90 for a USA boxing book. And why would you even bring my Coach into it? I find that very disrespectful. That man knows all there is to know about coaching boxing. It was MY choice to fight. It's a first fight, of course it's going to be a little sloppy. Just get it done and over with. I won on pure heart. We gave them a rematch 2 weeks later because my face was pretty bruised up or else we woild have done it the following week. We got the KO. I learned a lot from those two fights. If there is a registeration date on the book ill gladly take a picture of the registeration date and the date of my first match. Bottom line is y would I lie? I literally fought 3 times a week from 8th grade to 9th grade. Being the only Asian kid in an all black school and all. I was never hesitant to fight.

