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Constructing a 8 week training plan

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    Constructing a 8 week training plan

    How would you construct a 8 week training plan?

    If you was going to box 3, three minute rounds?

    8 weeks training after a few months of doing nothings

    Having to lose 6kilos, plus staying healthy and trying to get ripped


    any help??

    please fix me a 8 week plan?

    green k and points!

    Week 1
    Monday: (when you do your road work is up to you) 4 miles running on a flat surface.
    Gym work as follows: loosen up/ warm up 10 minuets
    Shadowbox 2x3 (stretch after warm up, hold stretches for 2-4 seconds)
    Spar 2-5x3. Working on drills if your trainer says so.
    Heavy bag 3x3 (you can work on technique or conditioning drills)
    Speed bag 2x3
    Double end bag or pad work 2x3
    15 min skipping
    Calisthenics circuit at end

    Tuesday: rest

    Wednesday: same as Monday

    Thursday: rest

    Friday: same as monday(you can adjust it if you wish)

    Saturday: sprint work
    Mile run to warm up
    100m sprint
    3min shadowbox
    Run backwards 200m
    100m sprint
    3min shadowbox
    100m sprint
    Jog 400m punching out in front
    Shadowbox 3min
    100m sprint
    Run backwards 100m
    Jog 400m


      Week 2

      Monday: warm up 10 min followed by stretch
      2x3 shadowbox
      Spar 2-5x3 min rounds
      Heavy bag 3x3
      Speed bag 2x3
      Double end bag or pads 2x3
      15 min skipping
      Cool down and stretch

      Tuesday: 10 min warm up
      6x2 min rounds of circuit training
      It is arms, legs, abs and you run through twice.
      30sec pushups
      30sec triceps dips
      30 sec dive bomber pushups
      30 sec clap pushups

      (you can choose to do gym work on this day but keep sparing to Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

      Wednesday: same as Monday

      Thursday: rest

      Friday: same as Monday

      Saturday: same as Saturday from first week


        Week 3: same as week two

        Week 4: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Are the same

        Thursday: circuit training as follows
        1st circuit is plyometric each exercise is done for 2 minuets but through weeks 5 and 6 increased to 3 minuets
        Medicine ball chest pass
        Medicine ball over head throws
        Medicine ball slams
        Split squat jumps
        Depth jump (hop off a small box and as you hit the floor squat down and explosively jump, repeat for the round)

        Strength circuit
        Static wall contractions (have back against the wall and knees at 90 degree angle and hold)
        Set out 6-7 boxes in a straight line that are roughly 50cm high with enough space between them so that you can jump over one land and jump over the next and so and so until you reach the end, then repeat for round.
        Static plank
        Static press-up (arms fully extended fro ten seconds then hold it half way for 10 and repeat for round)
        Medicine ball sit-ups
        Standing Russian twist with medicine ball

        You can choose to do bag work and pad work on this day.

        Week 5: same as week 4

        Week 6: same as week 4

        Week 7: incorporate more sparing into routine (assuming you have had bouts before this will get rid of the ring rust, if not it is to familiarise yourself with it and to get a feel for the pace of a real bout) but keep fitness training there. From the following weeks you can design a program to suite you for this week.

        Week 8: begin to taper down training , last 3 days no had gym work. If you have a bout on Saturday go into the gym friday and do some light pad work and check your on weight.


          Road work should be 3 miles and work to get it in 20 minuets.
          As for diet have 4-5 medium portions of healthy food a day (relatively low in carbs and fat) try to have carbs at break fast a mix of carbs and protien at lunch and mostly protein(I recommend a protien shake) for tea, no food before bed. The programe may be altered to suite you (more work or less work). If your stale or overtrained take a few days off and mabye an ice bath and protien shake.


            to have a plan you should have some kind of parameters, some kind of goal and a point where you're starting from.
            for example it would be different if you're just starting boxing and aren't in form, to if you've boxed a while are in good shape and have an amateur tournament in 8 weeks time, and then there's anything inbetween. no one-size-fits-all here.

            like with those bodybuilding ****zines where they show you what arnold used to do, total waste of time if you're a ten stone youth wanting to build your arms up a little.


              Originally posted by Alisha
              There are some sports nutritions and supplements which can assist to stay longer. My mentor has been very helpful for me.
              do they test for viagra?!

              supplements are to SUPPLEMENT a good training plan and good diet.


                Very useful info.

                Originally posted by rockymarciano1 View Post
                Week 3: same as week two

                Week 4: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Are the same

                Thursday: circuit training as follows
                1st circuit is plyometric each exercise is done for 2 minuets but through weeks 5 and 6 increased to 3 minuets
                Medicine ball chest pass
                Medicine ball over head throws
                Medicine ball slams
                Split squat jumps
                Depth jump (hop off a small box and as you hit the floor squat down and explosively jump, repeat for the round)

                Strength circuit
                Static wall contractions (have back against the wall and knees at 90 degree angle and hold)
                Set out 6-7 boxes in a straight line that are roughly 50cm high with enough space between them so that you can jump over one land and jump over the next and so and so until you reach the end, then repeat for round.
                Static plank
                Static press-up (arms fully extended fro ten seconds then hold it half way for 10 and repeat for round)
                Medicine ball sit-ups
                Standing Russian twist with medicine ball

                You can choose to do bag work and pad work on this day.

                Week 5: same as week 4

                Week 6: same as week 4

                Week 7: incorporate more sparing into routine (assuming you have had bouts before this will get rid of the ring rust, if not it is to familiarise yourself with it and to get a feel for the pace of a real bout) but keep fitness training there. From the following weeks you can design a program to suite you for this week.

                Week 8: begin to taper down training , last 3 days no had gym work. If you have a bout on Saturday go into the gym friday and do some light pad work and check your on weight.
                Great 8 week plan

