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Struggling with press ups...

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    Originally posted by SwoleBiceps View Post
    Boxers need to start doing Olympic and Powerlifts.

    Deadlift, Squat, Bench, Row, Standing Overhead Press

    Cleans, Clean n Jerk and Power Snatches

    Push ups aren't great for mass or strength, they're used for general conditioning and stamina.


      Originally posted by SwoleBiceps View Post
      Tell me how are pull ups and shrugs more beneficial that push up to a boxer?

      Push Ups also, require core stabilization while performing it, and there is certainly no harm in strengthening your core.

      Boxers need to start doing Olympic and Powerlifts.
      they are more beneficial because their main target and synergysits dont target the major pec muscle group while working the important muscles involved in push ups. like shoulders back serratus anteiror traps neck forearms intercostals and lats plus other good muscles like the erector spinale muscle group.

      push ups work your core....good for them

      sooo then do some planks with the shrugs and pull ups.....reguardless of how much extra work you have to do to work the same muscles as long as your not targeting the major pec muscle group then you will be much better off then push ups.

      and really the core should get more then enough exercise just from running boxing situps and having people punch you in the stomach.
      Last edited by Spartacus Sully; 10-16-2010, 12:50 AM.


        Do 1 arm ones and 1 arm elbow in .If u struggle on the floor start on a bench elbow out first it's easier .12 to 15 reps for strength endurance , 3 sets .


          Pull-ups are probably the best upperbody exercise for a boxer- but claiming pushups are useless is just dumb. Doing pushups all day isn't going to make you the champ, but they can be used well. Also, clapping and one-arm pushups are useful for a boxer. I challenge anyone to find me a trainer who isn't 100 years old who disagrees with that. Personally, I find any "boxer" who claims an exercise is "useless" just says so because they suck at them. There are very few "useless" exercises for a fighter, and fewer useless muscles. Oh also, OP if you want to add some variety and challenge (without adding much more emphasis on the chest), try doing them on your knuckles or fingertips- both great for a fighter. That is if we can all agree that fists are important in boxing.

