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Incredible Hulk Training Regime

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    Incredible Hulk Training Regime

    This is my weekly workout, tell me what you think the purpose for it is to bulk up, most of the basic exercises really to be honest.

    Tue - Chest/Triceps

    Bench Press/Dumbbell Press
    Incline Bench/Dumbells
    Decline Dumbbell Press
    Flat Flies
    Incline Flies

    Straight Bar Pushdowns
    Dumbbell Kickbacks
    Weighted Bench Dips

    Thur - Back/Biceps

    Wide Grip Pull Ups
    Deadlifts(when i can be arsed for the trauma)/T-Bar RowZ/Bent Over Rows
    Lateral Pulldowns
    One Arm Dumbbell Rows
    Barbell Shrugs

    EZ Bar Bicep Curls/Preacher Curls
    DB Concentration Curls
    DB Hammer Curls

    Saturday/Sunday - Shoulder, Abs, Legs
    Side Lateral Raise
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    Upright RowZ - EZ Bar
    Bent Over Lateral Raise

    Squats/Leg Press/Romanian Squats(dumbbell)
    Leg Curls(up)
    Leg Curls(down)
    Calf Raises

    Pretty solid. Id probably go a little harder on shoulders and tris but overall pretty solid. Ever tried doing arnold press for shoulders? I started doing it like 2 months ago and my shoulders are bigger than ever


      What are your stats and how new are you to lifting? cuase you seem to have a VERY large volume.


        Originally posted by jrv1932 View Post
        Pretty solid. Id probably go a little harder on shoulders and tris but overall pretty solid. Ever tried doing arnold press for shoulders? I started doing it like 2 months ago and my shoulders are bigger than ever
        Thanks, yeah i used to do Arnold Press, but i changed it to dumbbell press so i could lift heavier, i am thinking of adding another heavy lifting exercise to the shoulders, don't know which one goes with db presses though.

        squirrel, what you mean?


          How tall are you/what weight.

          How much lifting experience do you have?

          You appear to be doing a LOT; lots of sets, lots of exercsies etc.

          If youre starting out you'd be better served doing Rippetoes or Madcows Starting Strength programs.


            6 ft 3, about 77 kg in weight.

            I been pumping about 3 years now but i lost sooo much weight last year due to an accident and was basically left super skinny and all muscle gone. Not too bad now though


              Originally posted by Squirrel View Post
              How tall are you/what weight.

              How much lifting experience do you have?

              You appear to be doing a LOT; lots of sets, lots of exercsies etc.

              If youre starting out you'd be better served doing Rippetoes or Madcows Starting Strength programs.
              What advice would you personally give for bulking up and being huge.


                Originally posted by venom1 View Post
                What advice would you personally give for bulking up and being huge.
                Read Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe.

                Or just read this thread:


                  What are your rep ranges?
                  Why no deadlifts?
                  Why no Back Squats?
                  Why are you doing so little for shoulders?
                  Why aren't you doing barely any BB exercises?

                  I'd lose the 3 day split and do Mon-Friday and take Saturday and Sunday off.

                  I'd do Chest, Back, Legs and Shoulders on their own day and do Bi's and Tri's together.

                  Throw in abs with every workout.

                  Couple that with eating a lot and you'll get huge.


                    Originally posted by venom1 View Post
                    What advice would you personally give for bulking up and being huge.
                    The part that I said last; read up and start on Rippetoes Starting Strength.

