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Gleasons in Brooklyn

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    Gleasons in Brooklyn

    Anybody has any experience with gleasons gym in brooklyn? I hear lots of shady characters at gleasons. Any ody that goes to gleasons and has a trainer there with input please post your personal experience as well as rates and does your trainer have people that compete/win tournaments be it golden gloves or otherwise. Thanks.

    brooklyn bomber used to train at gleason's, he's a pretty shady character, lolz


      Paulie Malignaggi goes there


        what do u hear about gleasons?


          Nah paulie trains occasionally there I've seen him more at starret city. As far as wha I've heard is that a lot (not all) of the trainers either don't take people seriously or worst of all use people as feeder for they're better fighters amongst a host of other things. I can't jus take stories for fact even though I've heard them alot I rather find out for myself. This goes on at alot of gyms but for some reason I've heard more stories like this from Gleasons. I've currently been out of a gym for 3 months due to knee surgery but once I get back I'm looking at other gyms as well. Price is a huge factor for me
          Last edited by {Pito}; 05-08-2010, 04:36 PM.


            It's a gym for fighters who have already been developed out of other gyms and have a good boxing background. Not much luck if you're just starting or have little to no amateur/pro experience, or a bad record.


              I've sparred with camacho jr and Devon Alexander at church street, sadam Ali, will rosinsky, a bunch of times, and Ben tackie when he has been over at the gym I was at before. I'm no beginner and want to know how the atmosphere is at Gleasons because Ill be working right over bridge in downtown manhattan


                I know a lot of people who train there or have trained there over the past few years I've been hearing a lot of shady stuff out of there. A lot of trainers there apparently don't get along and neither do their fighters.

                A lot of trainers in NY are also basically free lance, they bounce from gym to gym, and half of them don't know enough to make it seem like they know what they are doing.

                One thing I hate about gyms in NY is whenever i go to a new gym I have trainers all over me asking me if I need a trainer, or how much I can spend, it's really annoying.


                  i go to gleasons but keep in mind 90% of the ppl who workout there are NOT fighters. most are white collar, some are just older ppl who go there to spar. and few are actually training seriously to fight.

                  some of the trainers dont care about their fighters, im watching a few of the trainers blatently ignore the fact that their clients are throwing punches with HORRIBLE form.

                  however theyre a couple there that actually are good trainers. its just a matter of proving urself pretty much. theyll give u the training u ask for, but initially its more of a "lets get this hour over with" kinda thing. but when you do show dedication and improvement they begin to start to take u seriously

                  ive been with my trainer 2months and to date i am the ONLY consistant fighter of HIS clients. all his others that usually train around the time (4 clients) I do are inconsistent, lag off, or stop coming alltogether.

                  so how u expect them to act when 90% of their clients are white collar looking to get fit, and those who do want to box fall off after a while.

                  as far as the gym. great environment. feels raw. its a big gym, and everybody is jus working out, motivational IMO. everybody also tends to stay to themselves + their trainer, you may soon start to say whatup to a few ppl there, but dont expect to make friends with everybody, and jus sit there conversing about pacman and floyd. Its a hello, workout, bye kinda place.

                  dont expect to find a cus d'mato there thatll treat u like his own flesh and blood. trainers look at u like a $$$ sign until u prove otherwise. I dont blame them, when most of the ppl that do train there work in an office and are 30+
                  Last edited by ProblemChild211; 05-09-2010, 01:06 PM.


                    also i had zero prior experience boxing before i went there. Its friendly, dont be timid, MOST people training there do not seem like theyve been boxing for long. sometimes youll see somebody train in there that seems to be pro and/or have some good experience, judging by their skill level. but for the most part, theyre just there trying to get fit.

                    also I train at a specific time of the day, consistently. so Im jus speaking on the time range that I train. it MAY be different at different times of the day idk, but im speaking from my experience at the times I train everyday
                    Last edited by ProblemChild211; 05-09-2010, 01:06 PM.

