I don't know what you mean by 'uk' wise'... Do you mean available at shops in the uk or available on uk based websites?
I like mexican style headgears with the cheekbone protecters. Depending ont the exact model they also give your nose some protection, but you have much more visibility than the full facebar style ones.
People will probably come on here and recommend Winning, but you don't need anything that fancy and expensive. I've got a $60 from Rival and it works great.
It depends what kind of sparring you intend to use it for? Do want extra protection? Good visibilty? How often will you be sparring? How many rounds etc etc
I've got one of these. I think it is a good all rounder.
Face/nose protection isn't the best, but it is adequate. I been using mine for hard sparring without any problems. Good points, visibility is perfect, it isn't very bulky, it doesn't move when hit, it's hygeinic and will last forever.
You can pick them up fairly cheap if you shop around. I paid 44 quid from PHD Fitness.
mexican style & facesaver (with the bar across the face)
mexican style is the best imo just to get used to everything. no chin protection etc. but it does give you all the protetion you need when you spar. facesaver is something that makes sure you dont get hurt at all whether its because you just got your nose fixed or whatever the case may be.
and there are no "rules" if you just spar. you can pick whatever headguard you want