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Do some of you find it hard not to do drugs or drink?

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    everybody that does smoke or drink is desperately trying to get off it so no its not hard for me to not smoke/drink. you waste your money, you ruin your health, and you dont even get anything in return. what a ripoff.

    i think young kids struggle with this because they want to belong, and sooner or later they start smoking/drinking because their friends do. but once you hit a certain age i dont think you have to worry about this stuff anymore. at least i dont.

    i was lucky enough that i hung with the right people when i was 12-17 years old which is like the time most people start doing these things. even though most of my friends were smoking and drinking my closest friends looked out for me and would have kicked my ass had i done any of that stuff and im thankful for that. those are the kind of guys you want your kid to grow up with, they should have a positive influence on them
    Last edited by Bullrush; 04-23-2010, 03:32 PM.


      I quite like a drink at the weekends and have not found that it affects athletic performance barring the next morning. A session on a Friday will screw any training on the Saturday morning, but thats it as far as I can see, my running times are far better than they were 13 years ago for example. Its just important to not fall into a binge drinking pattern or find that you are drinking mid week too.

      Its different for pro boxers in training camps who are looking for peak performance, they probably should stay clear of alcohol, junk food...the works.

      Cigarettes are a different story to alcohol, they should have no place in an athlete's lifestyle...........absolutely useless, completely addictive and of no benefit whatsoever.

      Harder/illegal drugs have never tempted me. If you take them to conform to your social circle, you are clearly too weak and cowardly to say 'no'. If you genuinely are interested and dont mind the health/legal consequences......hell its your body/life. But I cant think of any illegal drugs which will benefit you and plenty which will damage you far more than an odd drinking session at weekends.


        Yeap, pretty difficult, I was a drinker and a smoker and basically picked up boxing to get rid of them. I still allow myself a few beers and a couple of smokes at the end of the week.


          i never smoked cigs, u dont get anything out of it so its just dumb. ppl do it to fit in but that was never my style.

          used to drink but pretty much stopped. ill have a drink on rare occassions, but its very rare. had alcohol like twice in a year, i think thats good.

          i cut down on weed too, weed isnt anywhere near as bad for your body as alcohol is so i still smoke every now and then, but not like id like to.

          i had one spliff yesterday and three the day before that, before that it was atleast a month since the last one. ill say **** it for a couple of weeks then get ****ed up a few times, then go back to **** it. they stay in your system all the same so u might aswell make a weekend out of it.


            Originally posted by #1Assassin View Post
            i never smoked cigs, u dont get anything out of it so its just dumb. ppl do it to fit in but that was never my style.

            used to drink but pretty much stopped. ill have a drink on rare occassions, but its very rare. had alcohol like twice in a year, i think thats good.

            i cut down on weed too, weed isnt anywhere near as bad for your body as alcohol is so i still smoke every now and then, but not like id like to.

            i had one spliff yesterday and three the day before that, before that it was atleast a month since the last one. ill say **** it for a couple of weeks then get ****ed up a few times, then go back to **** it. they stay in your system all the same so u might aswell make a weekend out of it.
            Actually nicotine is a drug because you get something out of it, depending on each person's body, nicotine provides a state of relaxation but it's not a hallucinogen which makes it usable in any situation. But I do agree with you, on the long run you only get a nasty addiction and damage to your internal organs.


              Hi Assassin, I'd argue that weed is worse for the body than alcohol.

              Drinking small to moderate amounts can actually have health benefits. But there is no excuse to inhale any form of smoke to the lungs, carbon deposits, tar, carcinogens and they linger for much more than the next morning.......absolutely dreadful for the cardiovascular system.

              A couple of drinks is far better for you than a couple of joints.

              I'd also say that an evening of drinking is less damaging than an evening of smoking spliffs too.

              Granted a real drinking 'bender' can kill a man and the long term effects of alcoholism can severely damage a human being. But not taken to excess...........weed is far worse for you, and is far worse for an athlete too. Your lungs are your life in the ring!!


                Originally posted by squewon234 View Post
                no not at all i've never tried or been tempted by drugs or alcohol ...but then again i am 15
                ditto and im 21!!!


                  Just quit smoking pot this week. Hope it lasts.

