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Vernon Davis Workout

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    Vernon Davis Workout


    Light warm-up + stretching
    Kettlebell Swing (warm-up) 1 15
    Power Clean 5-8 1-6
    Bench or Incline Press(1) 8 3
    Triceps exercise(2) 3-5 8-15
    Circuit(3) 2 1 min. Each
    Abs(4) 3 2-30

    Farmer's Walk 4 Walking the length
    (holding 20-kg plates) of the weight room

    Neck Lateral Flexion 1-2 2-20


    Light warm-up + stretching
    Kettlebell Swing (warm-up) 1 15
    Explosives(5) 3-6 1-3
    Barbell Squat(1) 8 2
    Speed Deadlift (with bands) 8 1
    Back Hyperextension 3 15
    Calf Raise 3 20
    Abs(4) 3 12-30
    Dumbbell Clean(6) 4 6


    Light warm-up + stretching
    Kettlebell Swing (warm-up) 1 15
    Power Clean 5-8 1-6
    Bench or Incline Press 5-8 8,5,3,1,1,1,1,1(7)
    Upper-back exercise 3-4 8-15
    Triceps exercise 5 6
    Special exercise 2 10-30
    Lat Pulldown or Pull-Up 4 8
    Abs(4) 3 12-30
    Grip exercise 4 8
    Neck Lateral Flexion 1-2 12-20



    Light warm-up + stretching
    Kettlebell Swing (warm-up) 1 15
    Single-Leg Squat 5-8 3-5
    Explosives5 3-6 1-3
    Reverse Hyperextension 4 6
    Posterior Chain (10) 3-4 8-15
    Calf Raise 3 15
    Abs(4) 3 12-30
    Dumbbell Clean[Clean.sup.9] 4 6
    Neck Rotation/Twisting 1-2 12-20

    1 This can be any number of exercises, depending on which one Davis chooses to do, but it's some sort of pressing movement, such as bench on incline presses and squats. Implements such as chains and elastic bands are always attached to the bar so the resistance becomes greater as the bar is lifted. As the goal here is to improve power and explosiveness, Davis uses a weight that's 50%-60% of his one-rep max (1RM) and does each rep as fast as possible.

    2 Can be any number of triceps exercises, such as cable pressdowns, lying barbell extensions or overhead extensions.

    3 This consists of three different exercises--for example, a pulling move such as rows, a pushing move such as a chest or triceps move and a shoulder move such as lateral raises --each performed for one minute with no rest between sets.

    4 One of any number of exercises that target the upper abs, lower abs or obliques.

    5 Typically consists of one of the following exercises: Kaiser squat machine, explosive jumps, kneeling squats, box jumps, box squats.

    6 Performed standing on air-filled foot pads or other unstable training tool to enhance balance. Can be done either one leg or two legs at a time.

    7 Unlike on Mondays and Tuesdays, Davis uses as heavy a weight as possible for the desired number of reps. After doing sets of 8, 5 and 3, the goals is to work up to doing three singles at or above 90% 1RM.

    8 Can be any number of back exercises, such as lat pulldowns, bent-over rows or machine rows, standing high-cable rows (to face), stiff-legged cleans or snatches, seated cleans or shrugs.

    9 Can be virtually any pressing exercise of Davis' choice with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, chains, etc. Reps stay somewhere between 10 and 30, stopping around two reps short of failure, resting 3-5 minutes between sets.

    10 Typically consists of one of the following exercises: single-leg deadlifts, stiff-legged cleans or snatches or glute-ham raises.

    So what does a freak of nature like the 49ers' Vernon Davis put in his body? That's what we asked Amanda Carlson, director of nutrition and research at Athletes' Performance inTempe, Arizona, the company that claims Davis as one of its many high-profile clients. According to Carlson, here's a typical day of clean eating and supplementing for No. 85:

    Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs + low-fat cheddar cheese + turkey bacon on a 100% whole-wheat bagel + 20 oz. orange juice

    Preworkout: Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) + creatine with carbs

    During workout: 20 oz. Gatorade

    Postworkout: 40 g whey/casein protein powder with 60 g carbs + 1 banana

    Lunch: BBQ chicken pizza (8-oz. chicken breast + low-fat cheese + barbecue sauce + black beans on a flour tortilla) + mixed berries + water

    Dinner: 8 oz. lean red meat + 2 cups brown rice + 2 cups steamed veggies + water Snack: Protein/carb RTD + peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole-wheat bread + water

    other supplements: multivitamin, essential fatty acids

    Total daily nutrient intake: Approx. 4,500-5,000 calories, 20%--25% from protein, 50% from carbs, 25%-30% from fat

    sorry i couldnt really format the sets and reps right, but the first number is the set and the second number are the reps.

    Ill try and fix it


      thats why hes the only tight end in madden 10 to go in first round of the draft in fantasy mode with the new updated rosters...


        franchise mode i mean


          hes an athletic freak around 230 pounds of solid muscle and runs a 4.4 40 damn


            This just shows you how much your family passed has to do with how big and strong you are. My workouts are way harder then his and im not ***en close to looking like him

