Now this is not to show off or any of that ide just like to share what i do for training and yes my town only has a boxing club and we do not have a gym so boxing is only 2 nights a week just to answer any further quistions.
Monday Wensday Friday: 25 pushups, 5 dips, 5 charles atlas pushups, 10 reps 60 lb bench, 10 reps 15 lb dumbell flys, 5 chin ups repeat 6 times for a total of 300. Assorted Ab workout totals to 600. Go to the gym for 1 hour: 10 min stretch, 15 min skipping, 45 min lifting, 10 min ab work with weights. Go on my heavybag for an hour and go for a run.
Tuesday Thursday: 50 Chinups/Pullups, 200 tire slams, Asorted ab work (600) 2 hours boxing and a run
Running Schedule
Monday: Wind Sprints
Tuesday: 5k run
Wensday: 5k run
Thursday: 5k run
Friday: wind sprints
Monday Wensday Friday: 25 pushups, 5 dips, 5 charles atlas pushups, 10 reps 60 lb bench, 10 reps 15 lb dumbell flys, 5 chin ups repeat 6 times for a total of 300. Assorted Ab workout totals to 600. Go to the gym for 1 hour: 10 min stretch, 15 min skipping, 45 min lifting, 10 min ab work with weights. Go on my heavybag for an hour and go for a run.
Tuesday Thursday: 50 Chinups/Pullups, 200 tire slams, Asorted ab work (600) 2 hours boxing and a run
Running Schedule
Monday: Wind Sprints
Tuesday: 5k run
Wensday: 5k run
Thursday: 5k run
Friday: wind sprints