Originally posted by guzi815
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1) ***** ****
2) a skinny little ****
Your testicles atrophy due to HPTA shutdown from excess "foreign" hormones. Your body is getting it form another source, it has no reason to produce it so it shuts down.
Your balls retain their size again with proper Post Cycle Therapy
3) baldness
4) uncontrollable rage outbursts
5) short lifespan
Organ failures occur with irresponsible use. Responsible, intelligent use heeds good results with minimal sides.
Another "myth" is that you lose everything you cain which is again 100% false. If you lost everything you gained on an 8 week cycle, nobody would use steroids. They'd be useless. If you cycle properly, eat right, train hard and continue to train hard after use, it's not unfathomable to keep 85-90% of your gains
You are a ****ing idiot. Please don't post about Steroids because you know nothing at all.
I suggest you try to reach your potential naturally first, before using AAS.
But if you are going to use them. Go with Injectables. It's easier on your liver and the side effects are minimal.
Orals have to survive the first pass through the liver and have more side effects.