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how to strengthen calves?

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    how to strengthen calves?

    So I heard that calves are very important to a boxer, what are some exercises to develop these muscles in terms of strength and explosiveness, I don't care for size.

    run hills, squats, deads, calf raises, lunges


      i been squatting, deadlifting for 6 years now, from what I feel, they don't stimulate the calves


        If you're really into isolation, which I am not, I guess you should try the calf raises or perhaps using the leg press machine and pressing with your toes. Try the calf raises while on one leg. I really think that the combo of roadwork w/ hills, squats, plyometrics and deads should get your legs to where they need to be. If looks mean nothing to you, I don't see why you want to isolate the calves. If you do all that **** and you still feel like you could improve, try running with boots.


          get a tire, lay it on its side, and bounce around on it. its an old muay thai trick. sounds fruity but after 2-3 minutes ur legs will BURN. turns ur calves into steel


            nobody mentioned skipping?


              i am going up on pointe and i was told that i needed to strengthen my ankles more. i was wondering what exercises i could do to strengthen them. I also want to strengthen my quads and calves more, do you have any suggestions of what i can do?


                Originally posted by JabSandwich View Post
                get a tire, lay it on its side, and bounce around on it. its an old muay thai trick. sounds fruity but after 2-3 minutes ur legs will BURN. turns ur calves into steel
                that sounds good


                  Get a barbell with a couple of 10kg or 20 pound discs. put it on the ground close to something you can hold for support, do one leg calf raises slowly with the pad of you foot on the barbell. Or put on a backpack with some weights and do two leg raises.


                    Strong calves for boxing

                    I have issues in the ring with my legs weakening in the middle of the round. I was not out of breath but legs are out. I did dead lifts, running, squats none help. So I was discouraged about boxing until I found out about the importance of calf strength in boxing. When I realize I had very weak calves I mean naturally weak l, small and flabby calves. This does not affect everyone so many boxers will not have this problem but I did. One legged leg raise did the trick.

