Hey, i was wondering how many days a week can i train without it doing more harm then good? I've heard that if you lift to much your muscles wont have time to build back up and this is harmful to your muscles. Right now i lift 5 days a week, monday-friday. I also bike 4 miles a day 5 days a week, and i run 5 days a week. Unfortunitly i cant get to the gym on the weekends because that would require a 10mile bike ride, more then im willing to do haha. Im not in the boxing gym right now because i want to get in better shape first, so how much can i lift? Is it alright to lift but have a light day if im still feeling sore? Thanks
5'8" 130 lbs 18yo
bench 170
squat 220
mile 6:12
5'8" 130 lbs 18yo
bench 170
squat 220
mile 6:12