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Is it bad to work out drunk?
yes....what the hell kind of question is that?
ever arm wrestle drunk before? your alot weaker and more prone to injury because of it, I've arm wrestled drunk and been sore the next day...from 1 arm wrestle! Plus your less co-ordinated you could over extend, drop a weight on your head, fall down, puke and slip on it, etc
are you asking to try and get a reaction our something. ill give you one thats one of the dumbest things ive ever herd and i hope thats not how seriously you take your training and if you go to a fight like that you have issues
why would you train drunk in the first place..... you're coordination would be way off and the sweat will be a carrier of the alcohol toxins that would be strong enough to create the scent of whatever you drank thus pissing ppl off in the gym.
I think boxing drunk is ****** but boxing while high is a even worse idea! Trust me from experience