Hello everybody, i was wondering what do you guys think about lifting weight while undegoing boxing training as well..im 145 pounds and im looking to gain more weight and muscle..would doing both at the same time be a good idea?
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weight lifting
yes of course. Lifting weights doesn't slow you down. Actually it can make you faster. Use the heavy basics. Here is an example of program that you should use
Power Clean/ Deadlift 4-6 x 4-6
Bench/Incline Press 3-4 x 4-8
Chins/Pull-ups 3-4 x 4-8
Sit Ups/Leg lifts 3-5 x 8-15
Squat/Front Squat 4-6 x 4-6
Military Press/Dumbbell Press 3-4 x 6-8
Barbell Row/ Dumbbell Row 3-4 x 6-8
Side Bends/Russian Twists
Do the exercises on alternate weeks. If you have some personal favorite exercises use them instead. This is just a template
i workout five times a week, wouldnt doing that in addition to boxing be "overtraining"? would that prevent me from gaining more muscle?
It depends. At the olympic level athletes workout 15 times a week. Of course the intensity and volume could kill a normal person. There must be rest days. If you train everyday and hard, cortisol (catabolic hormone) levels starts to rise. When cortisol levels are high your body is losing muscle, gaining fat, you don't recover from your training. If you don't stop and rest you will hurt yourself.
But how to avoid this? I suggest you still keep 2 'off-days' or do some light training to aid restoration. The best time to do these workouts is on the morning. This way there is plenty of time to recover and it has no negative impacts for your boxing sessions. This way you will also increase your GGP (general physical preperadness) what means you are progressing.
But what If you can't workout during the morning? Never lift weights after training. When lifting weights when you are tired, only thing you will get is an injury. Another option (bad) would be skipping two boxing workouts and lifting weights during those days. But I'm sure your coach does not like that. So only options left are either not lifting weights at all or lifting before your boxing workout. This will, of course, decrease your speed for boxing and you will likely feel very tired during (and of course after) your boxing workout. On the other hand this will increase your stamina very effectively. Best time to do this would be when there are 'light days'.