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Pain After Skipping

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    Pain After Skipping

    Hey all, last night I randomly found your forum and have read a few topics, it seems there are some knowledgeable people here!

    Let me tell you about me first. I'm 22 from Scotland, male, 178cm, 83kg, maybe 10% body fat (just a guess). I have played badminton regurarly since I was about 8 years old, and in the last year I have spent lots of time in the gym, running and swimming. I just started boxing a few weeks back and really enjoy it. As the title says my query is about skipping which I'm sure most of you do. hehe...

    My first couple of times skipping at the boxing gym were centred about learning to skip, but I'm ok at it now. On Friday we did 20mins solid skipping which went ok, but my legs have been really sore since.

    On saturday afternoon I felt ok and wanted to do a quick skipping session before an abs workout but after 1 minute I had to stop because of the pain in my legs. For the next 30mins I basically couldn't walk... It was agony! Then after another 30mins I felt a bit better and ended going out to the pub that night.

    I went to bed about 1am and awoke at 3am with lots of pain in my legs, lay in bed for a while then got out and took some Ibuprofen and managed to fall asleep at 4.30am... I got up at 1pm and felt much better. I usually go to the boxing gym on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays but decided to miss it yesterday (Mon) to give my legs some healing time.

    Have any of you had this before? I heard that I should give myself 3 days rest between skipping since my legs are not used to it as skipping probably uses different muscles than I normally train.

    Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for your input!
    Last edited by Dio124; 09-16-2008, 07:18 AM.

    Where exactly in your legs is the pain?


      yeah mate, if you did alot more skipping than usual then its normal to be sore for a few days, same goes for weights, running ect... so just leave it for a few days and you should be ok, if its still sore after a week, or you get sore everytime you skip after you have rested then it may be something more serious, but its probobly just DOMS , Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (Google it) so you should be ok.

      welcome to the forum btw....


        Originally posted by mickey gomez View Post
        Where exactly in your legs is the pain?
        Its really all over, the calves and thighs. The pain has went away now but I believe it will come back if I do continuous skipping. But im hoping that my legs will 'get used to' skipping quite soon.


          my only recoomendation is to up your potassium and calcium. and stretch


            Thanks for the replies so far. I already eat bananas, drink plenty of milk and do lots of stretching, but will continue to do so!


              Im guessing you'r legs probably aren't used to it. After a few weeks it should surely go away.


                Shin splints? I get them a lot after skipping and road running.


                  jesus would want you to do more thkipping.


                    Two possible reasons:

                    1) Your muscles are tired/healing/rebuilding. Basically, you've done alot of training, same as anything.

                    2) You're skipping soley on your toes or wrong in another way, this puts alot of strain on your shins and calfs.

