Commonly recognised as amongst the most rigorously trained armed forces in the world, and ranked the most well trained of all NATO forces, the British Royal Marines have to go through this and more to even be initiated.
Potential British Royal Marine Commando Training.
Morning Exercise
Warming up: Basic stretches to improve flexibility which in turn improves strength. Stretch each muscle group for 12 seconds. This is simply light aerobic movements, and nothing strenuous.
Body weight exercise: A set of 9 exercises which target arm, abdominal and leg muscles.
1st set.
1) 15 press ups. (Arm)
2) 20 knees to chest. (Abdominals)
3) 20 squats. (Legs)
4) 5 pull ups.
5) 20 alt knee to elbow.
6) 15 box jumps.
7) 15 tricep dips.
8) 20 half sits.
9) 10 lunges (each leg).
2nd set.
Same thing, up each exercise by 5 repetitions.
3rd set.
Same as the first set.
Rest only for 5-10 minutes between sets of exercises. Concentrate on quality of exercises rather than speed. This will ensure that you experience an accelerated rate of performance over the time that you wish to continue this regime.
Afternoon exercise
Aerobic exercise: Done each day for cardiovascular fitness. This should be done at the fastest pace possible. Importantly though, this exercise must be alternated from day to day. So on Monday you may run at a steady pace for 4 miles. On Tuesday you will do a bike ride or swim because you are allowing for recovery of the muscles you used on Monday. Instead of sitting around on Tuesday and Wednesday you are using this time to do something equally as constructive with a much lesser degree of strain on your body.
After 4 weeks of this regime you should include sharpening exercises into your run. Interval training being the best, in my opinion.
Recovery is linked to diet, rest and fluid intake. So ensure each of these are satisfied sufficiently. Fluid intake should be water only.
*Loads of people come on here and ask for training regimes to get started or to continue to progress in their strength and speed training. This regime will lose you the weight and gain you the strength and speed required for boxing, if done properly. So now there are no excuses. This is a concise training schedule. Very simple theoretically, difficult in practice if done hard every time and also very rewarding.