I just started Boxing and am LOVING IT. I don't think I wanna do ANYTHING else! I love all the hard work and soreness that comes with getting trained and conditioned... Just the other day I learned something really important. Something that you hear in movies and all over. "Your body will only take you so far... your heart will take you the rest of the way." My trainer said this a few times while I was at the gym. I didn't really get it at the time... but during the end day drills I really took his words to heart and pushed myself as hard as I could... whaddaya know?! I started being able to breath through the pain and just let it be. It hurt so bad, but I didn't drop dead or bleed or break anything at all. That's the moment I felt like I could push past my limits and really gain some ground!
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Breaking the Barrier
Nice man. Yeah it is the same with weightlifting. That is why bodybuilders train for failure. The last few reps are as painful as they can get. That is when you start to build muscle. When you train this way you shock your muscles so they grow bigger.
Anyway, that's my tidbit for the day.
And the mental aspect of sports is the most important part. I dont care what anyone says. If you dont use positive thinking and affirmations...you will get nowhere.