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Kids boxing

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    Kids boxing

    My 9 year old son is taking a kind of boxing for fitness class and he's doing great. My trainer runs the class and he has him doing everything, medicine balls, rope, heavybag, mitts etc.

    Lately he has been telling me how great my son has been doing and is asking me if its alright if he puts him in to do some very controlled sparring with another nine year old that is coming along. Any of the kids that are wild or undisciplined are not getting the opportunity but the kids that pay attention and work hard will be aloud to get in the ring.

    I love that he's working out instead of playing video games, but do you think its too young to start sparring even though it will be controlled and have big gloves and really good headgear?

    Not as long as it's controlled. I think it's great that he is mature enough to start sparring at that age. As long as his interest level remains high, I would let him see how far he wants to take himself.


      If you are comfortable with the trainer and the gym, then I would say its ok. USA Boxing has a junior division that starts amateur boxing at age 8.


        I'll spar him. I'm 5ft 8 - fighting at 12 stone. Is he up for it?

        (Yes... FINALLY a spar i might have a good chance in!)


          Does he want to do it?


            Originally posted by aru2299 View Post
            Not as long as it's controlled. I think it's great that he is mature enough to start sparring at that age. As long as his interest level remains high, I would let him see how far he wants to take himself.
            You got it. Maturity is the thing. There are kids taking the classes that I think look tougher and more aggressive but they give up on the workouts, they won't memorize the combinations or follow directions, they just throw wild haymakers at the heavy bags and mitts while my son studies it, so the trainer saw that and said he was ready.

            And he never gives up, if they are all laying on their backs with their legs 6 inches off the ground, my son will never let his drop first. I actually have to calm him down with that. One day he was training with me during a private lesson and were were running laps holding medicine balls and near the end of the round I look at him, and he is running and crying at the same time. Turns out he couldn't hold the medicine ball up under his chin anymore but he wouldn't drop it so he was just doing it and crying. I was like, "Thomas just put it down!"

            Kids are funny.

            Anyway, thanks for the advice,



              Originally posted by rellik13 View Post
              Does he want to do it?
              Oh, he is BEGGING me! The wife is another issue!!

              We'll see when he gets hit in the nose the first time how into it he is I guess.


                Your son's got heart. You must be proud of him. Thats awesome. I cant wait for my son to be that age.


                  He should be allright I'm pretty sure it's going to be light Sparring, My son is 7 Cant wait to put him in boxing i'm going to wait a little longer.


                    I say if he wants to do it, let him do it. It sounds like he has a lot of pride, so he may hide pain...This can't be the case if you let him spar. Make sure he is feeling ok after he spars, and don't let him spar again if he is still hurt or in pain from the the previous sparring session. When he gets older he'll know his limits and he'll know when he's ok to spar, but for now you should err on the side of caution.

                    Let us know how it goes! I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to see a video if possible.

