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What is the Better kinD of RunninG shoE?

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    What is the Better kinD of RunninG shoE?

    running shoes that have air or running shoes that have shox in terms of better knee support and comfort?i need some new running shoes real bad but cant decide which one to get

    all i gotta say is NIKE AIRMAX 180! comfiest shoe ive ever put my feet in. I only use them for running


      There are couple of shoes i use Reebok and put my orthpedic insert inside them. You could find a reebok cataloge on which shoes suit you. I think the shoes with there is C or M.

      here is couple of companies that specialized in running shoe the supportive, comfortbal to the light.

      ASICS :
      Asics have some gel the protects lower impact it is one of the best running shoe, many pro runner use it.

      one of the big name in running shoes. many world record are broken by this shoes.

      an amercian running shoes


        you could know if the shoes is supportive by looking under.

        If you see the line and pattern inside is deep abit then it good for running and if you see is flat it the worst.

        the more the shoes lining and pattern is deep the better


          there are lots of different types for different feet. i would go to a real running store in the area and have them measure and test and determine what kind of specific shoe is best for your foot. thats the best way to determine. if u jus go to a regular foot locker or wutever, i like the NIKE FREE for running.

