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Need help with the cross

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    Need help with the cross

    I don't think I am throwing my cross correctly. What I do is pretty much just throw my right hand. I pivot slightly off my left foot but I feel like my footwork is incorrect. When I was shadowboxing the other day, a guy at the gym said "Push off your foot." I intended to ask him what he meant during the rest period, but he was busy when the round was over.

    So, can anyone post up a video or just a lucid definition of the footwork for a right cross? And anything else I could be doing wrong.

    Thanks a lot.


    In this picture, this is how your body ought to look if you've thrown it correctly. (Although you should really have your left hand up, protecting your chin... not that i am better than the Rock, lol).

    Your body shoud rotate and your right knee and leg should turn inwards adding power. Your knee should look a bit like...erm... Elvis when he's dancing.. i can't really explain it.

    Hope you get a video and it explains a tad better.

    As for the pic above... i was always told that the stance Marciano has there is something that I should have upon the shot impacting on my opponent.

    ps - can someone PM me and tell me how i can put photo's in my posts so i dont have to keep doing links!!! might be a e-pint in it for you.


      Originally posted by mickeyb View Post
      ps - can someone PM me and tell me how i can put photo's in my posts so i dont have to keep doing links!!! might be a e-pint in it for you.
      Just click the "Insert image" button(3rd to the right from the "Insert Link" button) and put the link in there.

      If you're using quick reply, type in "[IMG][/IMG]" and put the link in the middle.


        I think i understand what you're saying, that when you throw the technique, the waist twist unbalances you. If this is the case try shifting your lead foot across outwards about 2". This should keep your composure. (This is from the karate reverse punch, it works on the same principals of the right cross).
        Hope this helps.


          I'm getting it a little better, but I still don't feel like I'm doing it exactly right...I'll probably ask one of the trainers next time I'm at the gym.


            All the boxing punches, thrown correctly, felt awkward to me for quite some time. But now that I have learned to throw them right, they're very powerful, crisp, and fast. Ask your trainer, and have patience. The skills will come, in time.


              to preface my advice, i must add that, from a chinese boxing standpoint, you don't normally lift your back heel or put too much weight on your front foot as it causes too much unbalancing and decreases leverage greatly among other things.

              but, the typical boxing cross starts with your weight on the back leg. then, you basically lunge forward by pushing off of your back foot and ending on your front foot. one thing you want to do is coordinate the push-off/lunge with the turning of the hips. you also want to make sure that the turning in your hips matches the movement in your shoulders.


                Yeah I feel like I throw it ok if I throw just a cross, but if throw a combo like jab-jab-cross or just a basic 1-2, my weight is on my front foot after throwing the jab, so I can either reset myself and throw a proper cross or immediately throw a cross that is incorrect.

