Does anyone here have loose/hypermobile joints? In other words, if your joints extend farther than normal, like your elbows and knees can hyper-extend a little bit. Its fairly common, varying in race and genetics...but its a ***** when you have this and are active/athletic.
I have them and it sucks. Causes me extra soreness from workouts and gave me an unstable patella. Dislocated the knee twice...once I found out that squatting and leg work etc. was only strenghthening the muscle and not the joint, I changed my routine and focused more on strengthening the knee joint itselft have been pretty successful in building up stability.
You may be hypermobile in some areas and not even know it...A quick way of knowing is basically if you can bend your thumb backwards to touch the forearm.
Anybody have this or similar issues with their joints? I had to alter the way I threw my right hand because sometimes I would overextend and cause my elbow to hyperextend a little bit. Basically making me lose some power in the punch and strain my bicep.
I am very active and this issue really only causes me some limitation in the area of soreness and arthritic type pain in some joint regions.
I have them and it sucks. Causes me extra soreness from workouts and gave me an unstable patella. Dislocated the knee twice...once I found out that squatting and leg work etc. was only strenghthening the muscle and not the joint, I changed my routine and focused more on strengthening the knee joint itselft have been pretty successful in building up stability.
You may be hypermobile in some areas and not even know it...A quick way of knowing is basically if you can bend your thumb backwards to touch the forearm.
Anybody have this or similar issues with their joints? I had to alter the way I threw my right hand because sometimes I would overextend and cause my elbow to hyperextend a little bit. Basically making me lose some power in the punch and strain my bicep.
I am very active and this issue really only causes me some limitation in the area of soreness and arthritic type pain in some joint regions.