You have to get as much of that time in now while you still can. Pretty soon she'll be a teenager and she'll want to hang out with her friends and boys all the time.
u needa guide book?
what happen to great minds and all that stuff
now u need a guide book
You forget so easily...I have always told you that I loved your funky posts, and that I felt like I needed a guide when reading them. MAN...FORGETFUL???
Surfings cool, i've done it since i was a girl. The summer is the best although since i have got this hairdressing job i don't get time to do it as much. I applied for the Salon program, did you see that?
OF COURSE!! im addicted to most reality tv shows. Shame u didnt get on.
No ponctuation. Lots of lol and lmao and **** related references. Also I read vertically more tahn horizontally with you. My brain gets tired.
i find my way alot more eye pleasing
when i see your guy's long paragraph post i dont feel like reading them
i think mine seem shorter
but whatever
to each his own
and why would your brain get tired?