Originally posted by MastaBlasta
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yea good post, I pretty much agree..... but to be fair, Hearn (who has lied through his ass) knew what was up..... and so did Joshua
not gonna go right into in, but the problem is the plethora of belts..... we saw the blueprint with my boy Parker
neither were ready to fight all comers when they first won a strap..... Parker KNEW that beating Ruiz for a vacant title would land him that Joshua payday, which is why he took the fight..... they cared about that payday, not about developing and putting himself in the best possible position to WIN those fights when they arrive..... like Wilder did for the first 40-odd fights of his career
Joshua first hinted years ago that he will not be rushed into fighting Wilder, and that he needs more time to develop..... and guess what, I heard Joshua say the same thing less than a week ago here in a boxingscene article..... that he will benefit by having more time to develop.....
that is why they bizarrely killed the fight with Wilder back when they had him on the hook for $15m
here is the link.....
neither of them were the finished product
neither is Wilder, he is still developing..... and yep, he will get better no question
Fury is the closest to a finished product..... but he will get better/sharper as well with more activity at a higher level