1-0 Spence, not much action.
1-1 Mikey, close round. Mikey threw a lot but didn't land much. Spence hit a couple of nice body shots.
2-1 Spence, clear round for Errol. Great body work, some nice counter punches over the top. Spence warmed up.
3-1 Spence, dominant. Spence looks faster and better out there. Not looking good for Mikey.
4-1 Spence, but close. Not much action. Mikey throwing but wasting energy.
1-1 Mikey, close round. Mikey threw a lot but didn't land much. Spence hit a couple of nice body shots.
2-1 Spence, clear round for Errol. Great body work, some nice counter punches over the top. Spence warmed up.
3-1 Spence, dominant. Spence looks faster and better out there. Not looking good for Mikey.
4-1 Spence, but close. Not much action. Mikey throwing but wasting energy.