not just of today but in history?
Many mock Broner for being grossly overrated at the time and a hypejob. GGG may of been a bit overrated but both accomplished more than Inoue.
Both have wayyy better resumes. A weight drained Jamie McDonnell is enough to get people on these ******, mythical P4P lists.
Jamie McDonnell on his best day isn't even as good as like Daniel Geale, not even a top 5 win for GGG nevermind that shell that could barely walk unaided.
Inoue hasn't fought anyone remotely decent. Have you seen his resume and who he beat for those straps? He did that by avoiding every single fighter worth a damn. Didn't fight one. And don't tell us guys like Chocalatito, Cuadras, Estrada were shook
In this era especially these straps mean little its who you beat.
Go look at his resume and don't even pretend you don't know who 90% are.
This guy isn't P4P anything no matter what criteria you want to apply to suit your agenda.
Even now he's signed to that tournament its a step towards proving himself but lets not pretend they're anymore proven than he is.
I'm not saying he won't deserve credit and he does for even entering but lets not go overboard in truth we don't really know how good they are either until they fight each other.
As of right now Inoue is disgustingly overrated. You claim he's P4P I say you're one step away from these MMA goons that think some 130lb soaking wet actor beats Mike Tyson in a St fight.
Many mock Broner for being grossly overrated at the time and a hypejob. GGG may of been a bit overrated but both accomplished more than Inoue.
Both have wayyy better resumes. A weight drained Jamie McDonnell is enough to get people on these ******, mythical P4P lists.
Jamie McDonnell on his best day isn't even as good as like Daniel Geale, not even a top 5 win for GGG nevermind that shell that could barely walk unaided.
Inoue hasn't fought anyone remotely decent. Have you seen his resume and who he beat for those straps? He did that by avoiding every single fighter worth a damn. Didn't fight one. And don't tell us guys like Chocalatito, Cuadras, Estrada were shook
In this era especially these straps mean little its who you beat.
Go look at his resume and don't even pretend you don't know who 90% are.
This guy isn't P4P anything no matter what criteria you want to apply to suit your agenda.
Even now he's signed to that tournament its a step towards proving himself but lets not pretend they're anymore proven than he is.
I'm not saying he won't deserve credit and he does for even entering but lets not go overboard in truth we don't really know how good they are either until they fight each other.
As of right now Inoue is disgustingly overrated. You claim he's P4P I say you're one step away from these MMA goons that think some 130lb soaking wet actor beats Mike Tyson in a St fight.