Damn bro, you're really scared of Fury schooling your boy. Wishing death on the man isn't very nice. Fury is an inspiration to all athletes suffering from mental health.
Damn bro, you're really scared of Fury schooling your boy. Wishing death on the man isn't very nice. Fury is an inspiration to all athletes suffering from mental health.
A guy who repeatedly lied throughout his career uses steroids to win the title, gets caught and uses mental illness as an excuse to deflect criticism while having fun doing coke and partying. If you want to believe it, your choice, but how many times does someone have to publicly lie before they don't get the benefit of the doubt? Is a guy who used steroids to win the biggest fight of his career supposed to be too much of a nice guy to lie about depression when trying to duck the rematch?
I still remember when Fury lost to McDermott and got the robbery, and there was supposed to be an instant rematch. Fury claimed he 100% had to have a random interim bumfight first and then after claimed he broke his hand in the bumfight so needed time to recover, then needed a warmup fight to test the hand out before the rematch could finally happen. Then all the Price ducking that involved more lies told to the gullible fans, and all this was at the prospect phase against domestic guys.
Look at how Fury is comparing himself to Ali because of the exile. Arguably the greatest boxer ever missed years of his prime because he took a stand on an important issue, it seems disrespectful for a steroid user who got caught to compare himself to that. But as with the mental health claim and the contamination claim and all the other BS claims from Fury it's done with gullible fans and journalists in mind rather than reality.
And I say all this without any 'hate' for the guy or attempt to say he's the worst human being in boxing history or ****** shit like that. Boxing has had over a century of guys who sometimes behaved like scumbags outside the ring but people watched, cheered for them inside it, that's the nature of the sport. But it's laughable for the writer to put this guy up there as someone who is a real nice guy, just a victim, a champion for us all, the hero Gotham deserves etc.
great post. using mental illness to cover up PED use is pure scumbag behavior.
'er yeah i had some uncastrated bore' thats comical that people actually believe that, worse even than clenelos pathetic exuse or lucas browne saying he had a kangaroo burger.
remember the day he failed the test, then suddenly the same day he injures his ankle! and then is later seen bouncing up and down on it with no injury at all.
the guy is a cheater and a liar. just like the majority of the community he comes from, but hey you can just cry ' racism to gypsies'!
great post. using mental illness to cover up PED use is pure scumbag behavior.
'er yeah i had some uncastrated bore' thats comical that people actually believe that, worse even than clenelos pathetic exuse or lucas browne saying he had a kangaroo burger.
remember the day he failed the test, then suddenly the same day he injures his ankle! and then is later seen bouncing up and down on it with no injury at all.
the guy is a cheater and a liar. just like the majority of the community he comes from, but hey you can just cry ' racism to gypsies'!
It's a rubbish post because it contains lies. Fury never juiced to win a world title. FACTS