We Asked For Hair Tests, We Got It.. STFU now
It wasn't hard to research before the hair sample was taken, to see that the test wasn't reliable. Some of us weren't calling on that because the tests would come up with a less than conclusive result. "Oh but Conte says this," despite what every other study has shown regarding clen.
I see before it was nobody knows more about drug testing then expert Victor conte but now that canelo took the hair test that I said was the only way to prove he was innocent. Now Victor conte who helped developed these drugs and tests to catch them don't know shyt? You flip flopping bytches real mad that all the evidence makes it extremely likely that canelo didn't do nothing wrong but eat contaminated meat LMAO
Canelo testing negative 4 clenbuterol in hair is very important. Seems WADA will soon establish an allowable limit for trace amounts of clenbuterol in urine & hair. No doubt. Canelo having no clenbuterol detected in a hair sample should mitigate his consequences. Game changer.
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)
Hair is a scientifically valid sample type 4 clenbuterol testing in the Canelo case. Yes there are variations w/ hair color. However they measure at picogram concentrations. A picogram is equal to one trillionth of a gram. This is ultra trace analysis by a WADA accredited lab.
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)
CANELO: The WADA accedited lab knows about color variations & that head & pubic hair have different growth rates. It is significant that they did not detect clenbuterol in the hair of Canelo. This is IMPORTANT EVIDENCE in favor of Canelo's defense.
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)
More updates from drug EXPERT Victor Conte pokes holes at idiots who were claiming it wasn't really canelo's hair that passed the test and other nonsense. WADA has strict collection protocol so yeah it's canelo's hair not some red hair they stole from a orangutan to fool WADA or that bad hair goes away in just 3 weeks lol Also points to WADA report with conclusion that hair test a better judge then urine to determine intent to cheat or meat contamination. Says WADA will shortly be adding acceptable clenbuterol levels to weed out meat cases and all around pimp slaps butt hurt idiots online that are trying to discredit hair testing.
CANELO: I predict hair testing for clenbuterol will be implemented by WADA in the not too distant future. Uninformed scribes that are attacking hair testing do not seem to understand that many WADA tests have limitations & variations w/ allowable limits arbitrarily established.
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)
CANELO: I've personally talked w/ the director of the Salt Lake City lab that did the Canelo hair test for clenbuterol. He is well informed in regards 2 the proper sample collection & testing procedures. Even CIR/IRMS test for testosterone has limitations & variations.
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)
CANELO: Hair & Urine testing 4 clenbuterol provide different types of info. Urine is recent two weeks exposure. Hair can be from a month up to six months or longer back. If you are trying to determine "intent to cheat" or abuse then hair is a better sample than urine.
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)
WADA REPORT CONCLUSION: Clenbuterol testing in HAIR samples. "Hair Testing potentially suitable to confirm Clenbuterol Doping at low urinary concentrations!" Hair samples should be used as an adjunctive test to urine for clenbuterol
— Victor Conte (@VictorConte)