Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 8:
Round 9: (GGG lands nice left hook too)
(hardest punch of fight)
Round 12:
(GGG chin)
Rounds 5,6,11 are closer:
Round 5:
(GGG lands nice overhand, his best punch)
Round 6: (not much happened)
Round 11:
Rounds 7 and 10 were clear GGG for me.
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 8:
Round 9: (GGG lands nice left hook too)
(hardest punch of fight)
Round 12:
(GGG chin)
Rounds 5,6,11 are closer:
Round 5:
(GGG lands nice overhand, his best punch)
Round 6: (not much happened)
Round 11:
Rounds 7 and 10 were clear GGG for me.