Originally posted by Shadoww702
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I'm usually right about the numbers,I told peeps canelo vs chavez would do more than 1 mil ppv,I told everyone that ggg vs jacobs would megaflop etc. Mark it down I predict canelo vs ggg does over 2.3 mil ppv & may vs mcgimp does almost that much but nowhere near may vs pac. Mcgimpers odds of winning have gone way down instead of up as peeps are realizing how much of a hopelessly cowardis pûssy he is, I'm confident malignant-agi schooled mcgimp & only mma fans think otherwise,peeps arnt as ****** as floyd/Dana Whites fat ass thought they were as evidenced by the shîtty ticket sales. Im laughing all the way to the bank as bovada is ****** enough 2 give great odds on may vsgimp doing under mayvs pac, I'm convinced that it flops stateside & does well in uk.