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Floyd crossed eyed and looked lost at the end of the Gif must watch lol

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    Originally posted by ironmt View Post
    LOL, that picture of Floyd sitting on the couch.
    Yup imagine floyd sitting in that couch. Perfect fit.

    Just as casuals who praise Floyd vs McGregor circus show is a perfect fit.

    Spearheaded by the biggest casual of all hahahaha!!

    Dosumpthin! Travestyny's go to alt

    Travestyny = Dosumpthin

    Dosumpthin is Travestyny

    The biggest Fl0mo fan of all that will lead the circus show to blockbuster ppv numbers is Spear headed by Travestyny haha!

    Number 1 numero uno!

    Last edited by Spoon23; 07-27-2017, 08:20 AM.


      Originally posted by Kigali View Post
      Talk about being on high dose crack
      At least I said something honest and true.


        Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
        Yup imagine floyd sitting in that couch. Perfect fit.

        Just as casuals who praise Floyd vs McGregor circus show is a perfect fit.

        Spearheaded by the biggest casual of all hahahaha!!

        Dosumpthin! Travestyny's go to alt.

        Travestyny = Dosumpthin

        Dosumpthin is Travestyny

        The biggest Fl0mo fan of all that will lead the circus show to blockbuster ppv numbers is Spear headed by Travestyny haha!

        Ask the mods if we are the same, clown boy. And if you're wrong, accept a perma-ban. You down?

        I didn't think so. Just keep mentioning my name. I would say I ruined your life, but Floyd already did that, so you don't have much of a life left, do you?

        Probaby why your wife left you, clown!


          Originally posted by pasawayako View Post
          Yap pac is just so unpredictable. Floyd who is a master counter puncher couldn't counter pac, it's pac who is countering floyd.
          You should change your alt to pasada****nballs


            Originally posted by travestyny View Post
            Ask the mods if we are the same, clown boy. And if you're wrong, accept a perma-ban. You down?

            I didn't think so. Just keep mentioning my name. I would say I ruined your life, but Floyd already did that, so you don't have much of a life left, do you?

            Probaby why your wife left you, clown!

            You are so guilty boy. I mean my biatch exposed as an easy fuvk hehehe!!

            Embrace your alt baitch. Sorry for calling you a fanboy biatch, but you really are.

            embrace it.

            Number 1 numero uno!


              Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
              I mean my biatch exposed as an easy fuvk hehehe!!

              1. What grown man types "hehehe"???

              2. You are gay as ****. Sorry, I don't go that way.

              3. Your lord and savior would say you're less than animals. I mean, you are a sorry piece of shlt, so he might be right.

              4. Why do you call grown men "doll."

              5. How do you explain this?

              Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
              I'll wear this pink flip-flops first, Then you.

              Better yet, I'll wear it now, wore this nice pink Flip Flops.


              LMAOOO. Asking grown men to play dress up with you. You are one twisted idiot.

              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              LMAO. Find someone else to play dress up with, H@mo.



                Spoon may never recover.


                  Originally posted by CatchAndShoot View Post
                  At least I said something honest and true.
                  Yes you did my friend. Yes you did.

                  Unlike this dude named Floyd, who wants to clean up boxing..

                  Lucky he had usada on his back. Without those Peds on his system that night. Floyd wouldn't have survived that punch that made floyd crossed eyed lol

                  # DAZED and CONFUSED


                  It was well documented that Floyd Mayweather was making a stand to clean up boxing

                  Floyd said:

                  @ 00:20 - Nevada commission is one of the best commision in the world (that's why they absolved me by giving me that late TUE exemption lol) And My ultimate goal is not just USADA (WHO GAVE ME ILLEGAL IVS) and the sport of boxing, but For USADA AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS PERIOD.

                  @ 0:36 - Because there is too much cheating going on in sports! lololololololol

                  Victor Conte talks about Floyd's low T/E ratio

                  Probably the most su****ious part for me:

                  A normal testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio is slightly more than 1-to-1. Conte says that one recent study of the general population “placed the average T-E ratio for whites at 1.2-to-1 and for blacks at 1.3-to-1.”

                  Under WADA standards, a testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio of up to 4-to-1 is acceptable. That allows for any reasonable variation in an athlete’s natural testosterone level (which, for an elite athlete, might be particularly high). If the ratio is above 4-to-1, an athlete is presumed to be doping.

                  Some athletes who use exogenous testosterone game the system by administering exogenous epitestosterone to drive their testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio down beneath the permitted ceiling. This can be done by injection or by the application of epitestosterone as a cream. In the absence of a CIR test, this masks the use of synthetic testosterone.

                  But there’s a catch. If an athlete tries to manipulate his or her testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio, it is difficult to balance the outcome. If an athlete uses too much epitestosterone - and the precise amount is difficult to calibrate - the result can be an abnormally low T-E ratio.

                  Mayweather’s testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio for the April 3, 2013, sample was 0.80. His testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio for the Aug. 18, 2011, sample was 0.69.

                  “That’s a warning flag,” says Don Catlin. “If you’re serious about the testing, it tells you to do the CIR test.”

                  The Nevada State Athletic Commission wasn’t as knowledgeable with regard to PED testing several years ago as it is now. Commission personnel might not have understood the possible implications of the 0.69 and 0.80 numbers. But USADA officials were knowledgeable.

                  Last edited by Spoon23; 07-27-2017, 08:57 AM.


                    Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                    1. What grown man types "hehehe"???

                    2. You are gay as ****. Sorry, I don't go that way.

                    3. Your lord and savior would say you're less than animals. I mean, you are a sorry piece of shlt, so he might be right.

                    4. Why do you call grown men "doll."

                    5. How do you explain this?

                    LMAOOO. Asking grown men to play dress up with you. You are one twisted idiot.


                    Again asking irrelevant question not pertaining to the thread at hand. It's just truly exposes you more of the ultimate troll that you really are.. But if you do smarten up.

                    I'll be glad to entertain you than you trying to be a shrink when you obviously have no capacity to even reach my levels of competence to even desire to psycho analyze me lol

                    Stop? Missy, my biatch. You are even using my MJ gif that I threw at you before lol

                    You can't even come up with yours lmao

                    Now let's get back to serious business. If you really think you can dance with the big boys.

                    Pls do explain these. I'll wait for your fantastic brain to come up with a great excuse, I mean.. ehem.. truth.

                    What do you think of what they say about these vids? Pls enlighten me.

                    Yes it does seem interesting...

                    Last edited by Spoon23; 07-27-2017, 11:26 AM.


                      Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                      Yes you did my friend. Yes you did.

                      Unlike this dude named Floyd, who wants to clean up boxing..

                      Lucky he had usada on his back. Without those Peds on his system that night. Floyd wouldn't have survived that punch that made floyd crossed eyed lol

                      # DAZED and CONFUSED

                      LOOK CLOSELY AT THE END OF THIS GIF

                      It was well documented that Floyd Mayweather was making a stand to clean up boxing

                      Floyd said:

                      @ 00:20 - Nevada commission is one of the best commision in the world (that's why they absolved me by giving me that late TUE exemption lol) And My ultimate goal is not just USADA (WHO GAVE ME ILLEGAL IVS) and the sport of boxing, but For USADA AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS PERIOD.

                      @ 0:36 - Because there is too much cheating going on in sports! lololololololol

                      Victor Conte talks about Floyd's low T/E ratio

                      Probably the most su****ious part for me:

                      A normal testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio is slightly more than 1-to-1. Conte says that one recent study of the general population “placed the average T-E ratio for whites at 1.2-to-1 and for blacks at 1.3-to-1.”

                      Under WADA standards, a testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio of up to 4-to-1 is acceptable. That allows for any reasonable variation in an athlete’s natural testosterone level (which, for an elite athlete, might be particularly high). If the ratio is above 4-to-1, an athlete is presumed to be doping.

                      Some athletes who use exogenous testosterone game the system by administering exogenous epitestosterone to drive their testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio down beneath the permitted ceiling. This can be done by injection or by the application of epitestosterone as a cream. In the absence of a CIR test, this masks the use of synthetic testosterone.

                      But there’s a catch. If an athlete tries to manipulate his or her testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio, it is difficult to balance the outcome. If an athlete uses too much epitestosterone - and the precise amount is difficult to calibrate - the result can be an abnormally low T-E ratio.

                      Mayweather’s testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio for the April 3, 2013, sample was 0.80. His testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio for the Aug. 18, 2011, sample was 0.69.

                      “That’s a warning flag,” says Don Catlin. “If you’re serious about the testing, it tells you to do the CIR test.”

                      The Nevada State Athletic Commission wasn’t as knowledgeable with regard to PED testing several years ago as it is now. Commission personnel might not have understood the possible implications of the 0.69 and 0.80 numbers. But USADA officials were knowledgeable.

                      Spoon, c'mon man, you gotta add the video where the reporter asks him about TRT replacement therapy, and Floyd has the most guilty look on his face, it's damning.

