Originally posted by aboutfkntime
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Are you a mind reader? How could you tell Weeks "had his finger on the trigger"? (Even though he didn't pull the trigger until AFTER the illegal shot) How could you tell he had had checked off his mental list? Weeks body language did little to suggest that he was anticipating stopping the action.
You've insulted me several times calling me inexperienced and a little boy telling a grown man how to do his job. So, what are you? Are a professional referee or judge? Are you a former professional fighter? If not, you're just as inexperienced as I am, watching a fight through your own eyes.
You keep mentioning Kov faking low blows on those legal shots. I agree he was faking. Is this illegal and what Is the penalty? I searched, briefly, and couldn't find anything. What's the rule and why wasnt it followed? I know the penalty for faking a low blow cannot possibly be "one (or 3) low blows to be allowed by fakers opponent". That can't be the rule, so what is?