After Lara vs Alvarez...
"Nobody knows Lara..." -Abel (they chose Monroe Jr. Ranked #18) yet before no top 10 Korobov even when Korobov wanted Golovkin, or no Lee mention after winning the WBO, theb came Saunders, how many step asides has Heilland taken by now under the WBC, even before Charlo came through....
#Southpawzizle on da hizzle!!
"Nobody knows Lara..." -Abel (they chose Monroe Jr. Ranked #18) yet before no top 10 Korobov even when Korobov wanted Golovkin, or no Lee mention after winning the WBO, theb came Saunders, how many step asides has Heilland taken by now under the WBC, even before Charlo came through....
#Southpawzizle on da hizzle!!