Originally posted by Elroy The Great
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nice way to duck the question.
0-6 in this topic ( number of times ducked )
Your owning it brotha' hahaha!!
0-12 overall against the spoonster.
Shyits too easy!!
Oh if you wise up, and you know how to address your points in a forum. You know where to find me.
who's making excuses after excuses, making ridiculous demands and flips flips and extending the goal post? Was it Manny or Floyd? Don't be selective now buddy boy.
Here's a reminder who loves to flip flop and duck for 6 long years, from Floyd's best friend himself lmao
If his best friend says he ducked Pacquiao. Then he did. That's all she wrote.
FLOYD'S BEST FRIEND SAID @ 2:45 It's just Floyd, is he Flip Flops lolololol
@ 3:38 Skip: Now that you have distance with Floyd and a little more objectivity. Did Floyd duck Pacquiao?
FLOYD BEST FRIEND SAID @ 3:38 Did Floyd duck Manny?
That's all she wrote!! hahahaha!!
time to join Floyd now homes.
Run along now.