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Comments Thread For: Pacquiao Argues Against Anti-Discrimination Law For Transgenders

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      News flash for the brain-dead Filipino ignorant (some insight)

      News flash: transgender is a very broad term as of today. It includes crossdressers (clearly hated and despised by this fool hypocrite), but this is just a very small part of it. So IGNORANTS like Manny tend to think that those crossdresser fellows and transgender people in general are a synonym.

      Here is a small extract from Wikipedia
      "in addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned *** (trans men and trans women), it may include people who are not exclusively masculine or feminine (people who are gender*****, e.g. bigender, pangender, genderfluid, or agender). Other definitions of transgender also include people who belong to a third gender, or conceptualize transgender people as a third gender. Infrequently, the term transgender is defined very broadly to include cross-dressers, regardless of their gender identity."
      Being transgender is independent of ***ual orientation (gay men and lesbians are NOT transgender people).

      A transgender-trans***ual individual, is a person who was born physically with the wrong genitalia, corrects this issue either during puberty or adulthood, and then goes on to live both physically and legally as the desired gender (that is, the gender his or her BRAIN was born with, as opposed to the genitals).

      Bottom line, this ignorant fool thinks crossdresser = transgender, but that is NOT reality. A trans***ual woman is legally the same as a cisgender woman (one whose genitals and brains matched at birth). A trans***ual man is legally the same as a cisgender man (one whose genitals and brains matched at birth).

      So sorry to see that a brute ignorant animal (whom I admire AS A BOXER ONLY) can get the chance to be on a top political position in a poor third-world country, just because he is so rich and can have the pull to literally BUY HIS WAY into political success.

      I will keep admiring this individual as a boxer of course, he is one of the top ATG in the sport, but as a person, as a human being, and as a "political leader" he is 100% garbage and I am sad to see the Philippines may be going in the wrong direction as a country, thanks to a brain-dead boxer who has no business whatsoever being a FAKE POLITICIAN.
      Last edited by sterilizer; 02-14-2017, 11:03 AM.


        manny's been brainwashed by the evangelists


          What ******ity. Believe what you want but don't legislate morality. If you do that someone, sometime will legislate against you. Short sighted ******ity. Of course, no one has ever accused Manny of being a brilliant legal scholar or thinker.


            Pac is just saying what any bible thumping christian would say.

            The problem is religion should be left at home and not used when it comes to making laws.


              Nothing wrong with what Pac is doing. Transgenders are a disease.


                i ***ually identify as arnold schwarzenegger's character in the movie "Junior"


                  i agree with pacquiao


                    Manny is nothing more than a backwards monkey who needs to be stoned to death for failing to be a human being.

                    What a disgusting excuse for life.


                      Originally posted by boxingitis View Post
                      When are they going to BAN ****** Made up Beliefs.
                      There are too many monsters on this planet that embody these disgusting beliefs. It will be a long time before this filth is banned.

