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Comments Thread For: Teddy Atlas: I Don't Think There is Any Interest in May-Pac Rematch

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    Comments Thread For: Teddy Atlas: I Don't Think There is Any Interest in May-Pac Rematch

    Veteran trainer and ESPN analyst Teddy Atlas expects both Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. to come out of retirement at some point.

    [Click Here To Read More]

    Teddy ATLAS: Mayweather doesn't fight the kind of fight you want to pay $70 -$100 for a PPV lol

    Just says it all right there. Lame boring boxing = boos from the MGM grand and all across the world lol

    It's the fear of another bore fest from a running hugging diva that a rematch is being held back from ruining boxing entirely.

    Everyone knows if a super fight rematch doesn't deliver on an epic fight the 2nd time around. It will translate to fans not getting their money's worth again. And that will put boxing back to Stone Age

    Boxing will not survive another kind of hit like that.

    # Floyd needs to redeem himself from his lame cowardly performance, but he won't since he rather fight the Berto's or the Conor's of this world to play it safe.

    Last edited by Spoon23; 05-25-2016, 06:05 AM.


      Spoon is gonna be all over this. Spamming this thread with his standard stuff!

      Hahahahahahaha!!! Spoon!

      I am out of here. Just wait everyone. He is gonna post his what Spain thought, what the world thought, and his standard spambot spoon stuff. Hahahaha
      Last edited by Zaroku; 05-25-2016, 03:12 AM.


        Floyd Mayweather Sr.: Floyd performance was alright, it wasn't a great perfromance

        @ 1:50 mark Floyd senior said about floyd's time to retire: 'When you can't do what you use to do it's time.' referring to his son

        He knew his son dont have it anymore lmao.. He saw his son fight like a vagina

        Floyd senior saying to his son his losing. You are losing son!

        @ around 2:05 - You are losing son!

        @ 2:20 Floyd jr to Floyd Snr.: no matter what I love you.. (ready to lose)

        When floyd's own father and trainer saw his son fight scared. You know something is up.

        Last edited by Spoon23; 05-25-2016, 03:13 AM.


          Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
          Floyd Mayweather Sr.: Floyd performance was alright, it wasn't a great perfromance

          @ 1:50 mark Floyd senior said about floyd's time to retire: 'When you can't do what you use to do it's time.' referring to his son

          He knew his son dont have it anymore lmao.. He saw his son fight like a vagina

          Floyd senior saying to his son his losing. You are losing son!

          @ around 2:05 - You are losing son!

          @ 2:20 Floyd jr to Floyd Snr.: no matter what I love you.. (ready to lose)

          Someone remove this buffon from the site, please.


            Floyd can do everything he used to its just he's fighting higher calibre opponents



              I called 3 mill ppv minimum for floyd vs pac....

              I called ahmed the bomb clock troll was a troll....

              Im calling caitlyn jenner as a fraud ass cross dresser dressing for money...

              Im calling 2.5 mill MINIMUM ppv for the rematch.

              Roger Mayweather said the 2nd fight will be better because both fightes showed too much respect for each other the first fight.

              IDKSAB OR YDKSAB????

              let me get a drop.


                Originally posted by Jedi Vader View Post
                Someone remove this buffon from the site, please.
                Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Agreed. He is gonna spam the **** out of this opportunity.

                He jumps on these topics and posts the same **** over and over again. Back to the lounge.


                  Originally posted by Jedi Vader View Post
                  Someone remove this buffon from the site, please.
                  yeh remove dat whyte boi

                  he oppresing us


                    Originally posted by f#ckrussia View Post
                    yeh remove dat whyte boi

                    he oppresing us
                    Lol yeah I'm that guy in their heads haha

                    Nacho about Floyd: The kid caved. Over defensive on the most important fight of his life.

                    "He knew he was supported by the judges to give a luck luster fight."

                    "He (floyd) lost so much credibility"

                    "the only one throwing punches was Pacquiao"

                    "how can they gave the rounds to a guy who even looks ridiculous running away scared?"

                    "or giving hugs to turn off the fight?"

                    Translation: in other words floyd was boring and didn't deserve the W lol

                    Last edited by Spoon23; 05-25-2016, 06:08 AM.

