let me get back to you later i will look into all these score cards that you provided me thanks.
Rath, there really isn't any need to get back to me about this. The only reason I engaged you in this convo was to hopefully make you realize...it's time to give this up, bro. When it comes down to it, this was just another boxing match. One man won, the other lost. While you might not agree with the official decision, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion about who won. That Pac lost officially doesn't diminish his stature as one of the best boxers of this generation. At the same time, I'd wish you would give Floyd his just due, as well. If you don't wish to, that is certainly your right.
However, the bottom line is that this is one for the history books. Try to move on, bro. Cheers.
I made a big mistake and i apologize to all genius floyd fans
I was wrong when i said it was only on Floyd vs Pac that there was a mistake in scoring the fight according to the final score card
Now that travestyny provided some score cards i found out that there was also a mistake in the score cards on another big fight.
would you like to know where that mistake was?
Is this question for me? I don't really care about any other scorecard mistakes, to be honest. Like I said, was just trying to help you to realize your conspiracy theory is silly and that you should let this go.
Thanks for providing these score cards, it is really helpful to see other score cards.
Unfortunately, Spoon23 won't get it, and will come back with what Spain thought in slow motion.
Great thread, great poll, great discussions. Thanks everyone!
We really got to thank travestyny for all the final score card that he provided.
now you can make thread out of it if you wishes to.
i made a mistake, it was not the first and only time there was a mistake in the red and blue corner thing. it happened before and floyd was always the beneficiaries of these "mistakes". as they put it
look at Oscar vs floyd finals score
tell me base on the score who won the fight?
LOLsee what happens to the bosing world after this.
We really got to thank travestyny for all the final score card that he provided.
now you can make thread out of it if you wishes to.
i made a mistake, it was not the first and only time there was a mistake in the red and blue corner thing. it happened before and floyd was always the beneficiaries of these "mistakes". as they put it
look at Oscar vs floyd finals score
tell me base on the score who won the fight?
LOLsee what happens to the bosing world after this.
So in big Floyd fights the mistake has been made before? Interesting.
Is this question for me? I don't really care about any other scorecard mistakes, to be honest. Like I said, was just trying to help you to realize your conspiracy theory is silly and that you should let this go.
oh this is exactly for you.
thank you very much for providing me with the final score cards
now go look at your final score card about Oscar vs Floyd and tell me who won the fight