Originally posted by damned1974
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Anyhow...it seems Postol is being avoided. I think people saying they want to sell Crawford off to Pac have it the other way. They'll try to do to Pac what they did with Bradley. Use him to create a star in TC. I'm not opposed to it but I feel like the iron is hot for TC. He should be fighting Postol asap trying to lead that into a more marketable fight. Postol has the better W on his resume and TC's team would have been smart to try and piggy back off Postol's big KO over Lucas. It's still in the minds of the people and a win over Postol says a lot more than all these....kind of sh itty fights TC is giving us.
I like how Postol's team has been calling these bluffs. The scene is healthy out east and with the wbc belt he's going to make money regardless. Good for them.