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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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    People are getting bored of the trolling. Poor spoon will have no purpose soon.


      Originally posted by Isaac Clarke View Post
      People are getting bored of the trolling. Poor spoon will have no purpose soon.
      And you have to write that lol

      Insecure much hehe Sorry for telling the truth to our boxing community. Someone has to.


        Original zero-

        Another one of that raises an eyebrow that shows how easy it is to show something does not add up and a clear red flag to the boxing community. Yes, Floyd may have gotten away with it technically, but action speaks louder than their cover up.

        After the weigh-in Floyd's chugging water orally with no signs of dehydration. He even spoke to the interviewee he is ready and feels good for tomorrow's fight.

        The nsac doctor cleared him of no signs of dehydration during the weigh-in. So how the hell that in a span of less than one day in the biggest fight of his life the world turned upside down for Froid and suddenly became severely dehydrated and he needed IVS. That my friend is an obvious red flag in the avenue of public opinion.

        mayweather loves saying: Out of the mans own mouth...."I never had a problem making 147lbs"

        The more Froid sweeps this under the rug. The more he will look guilty. As 10 months has past, he rather zip it.

        Hauser article

        Floyd damaging evidence wanting retroactive TUE in their contract *@ 9:10 (retroactive treatment)

        Last edited by Spoon23; 03-13-2016, 02:53 AM.


          Original zero-

          Another one of that raises an eyebrow that shows how easy it is to show something does not add up and a clear red flag to the boxing community

          Victor conte says:

          Probably the most su****ious part for me:

          A normal testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio is slightly more than 1-to-1. Conte says that one recent study of the general population “placed the average T-E ratio for whites at 1.2-to-1 and for blacks at 1.3-to-1.”

          Under WADA standards, a testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio of up to 4-to-1 is acceptable. That allows for any reasonable variation in an athlete’s natural testosterone level (which, for an elite athlete, might be particularly high). If the ratio is above 4-to-1, an athlete is presumed to be doping.

          Some athletes who use exogenous testosterone game the system by administering exogenous epitestosterone to drive their testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio down beneath the permitted ceiling. This can be done by injection or by the application of epitestosterone as a cream. In the absence of a CIR test, this masks the use of synthetic testosterone.

          But there’s a catch. If an athlete tries to manipulate his or her testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio, it is difficult to balance the outcome. If an athlete uses too much epitestosterone - and the precise amount is difficult to calibrate - the result can be an abnormally low T-E ratio.

          Mayweather’s testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio for the April 3, 2013, sample was 0.80. His testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio for the Aug. 18, 2011, sample was 0.69.

          “That’s a warning flag,” says Don Catlin. “If you’re serious about the testing, it tells you to do the CIR test.”

          The Nevada State Athletic Commission wasn’t as knowledgeable with regard to PED testing several years ago as it is now. Commission personnel might not have understood the possible implications of the 0.69 and 0.80 numbers. But USADA officials were knowledgeable.


            Original Zero-

            Another red flag that questions why is Floyd dehydrated when nsac doctor rules him in fine form during the weigh-in.

            If a fighter is dehydrated, his blood pressure is likely to be low and his pulse rate high. That wasn’t the case with Mayweather as evidenced by the Nevada State Athletic Commission medical data sheet.

            Mayweather’s blood pressure was 118/84. In other words, his systolic blood pressure (pressure when the heart is contracting and pumping blood out) was 118. And his diastolic blood pressure (pressure when the heart is resting between beats) was 84. That’s normal for a professional athlete.

            Mayweather’s pulse rate – 60 sitting and 66 standing – was also normal.

            There is no way a sane person will believe Froid dehydrated after all this, especially when he is coming into the biggest fight of his life. He had all the means to keep his body in check. All this is an obvious cover up for masking peds.


            What did Floyd Mayweather, Lance Armstong, Mark McGuire, Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds have in common?



              Spoon -

              All of your questions begin with a false premise. The day of the weigh-in, numerous fans sensed that Floyd seemed tired and weak. Check out Dan Rafael's chat from that day. Multiple fans wrote in asking if Floyd was okay and asking why he seemed so exhausted.

              I suspected he was getting dehydrated that day based on how much difficulty he was having speaking. The problem with dehydration though is that fighters are typically miserable at weigh-ins. I've dealt with it a million times with boxers and martial artists. It can be very difficult to detect the difference between typical weigh-in misery and serious dehydration.

              Even trickier is the fact that dehydration can creep up on you. At 2pm you feel a little off, but not too bad. Then at 6pm you've got a real problem. If you've never been dehydrated before or if you've never trained at a high level for athletic competition, it may be confusing to you what a difference 4-5 hours can make in terms of dehydration creeping up on you and becoming a real problem.

              You're ridiculously biased and you don't know anything about the subject you're discussing. You've repeatedly posted false information about the rules in Nevada and trying to be nice and point out that you're mistaken doesn't seem to help because you don't really care what the truth is. You just know you're made that Floyd won and you'll do or say anything to make yourself feel better about it.

              Floyd would have no reason to cover up IV use when IV use was 100% legal in Nevada, in any amount, for any reason. Floyd & Manny did voluntarily agree that USADA would have to confirm that any IV use was legit and USADA confirmed that. You've dreamed up a controversy that does not exist.

              Not to mention the fact that Floyd gave a urine sample right before getting the IV and right after as well. If it was a system flush, it would make no sense to take a drug test right BEFORE you flush your system! Use some common sense . . .


                Original zero-

                You won't get it even if you try hard enough. Yes Froid got away. Protected by the flawed system you have explained. Those technicalities only serves to save his cheating ways.

                The jury is out. Froid Roid is guilty beyond reasonable doubt in the court of public opinion.

                It's over. Your hero is exposed. And no amount of you protecting Him will save him.

                As I said, it's a simple case. Bringing out the truth for transparency is his only solution to remove the taint in Floyd's IV scandal. But he will rather not bring that out. Reason for severe dehydration? An explanation by an attending physician explaining his medical condition will bring wonders to save his name.


                He won't. He can't.

                Since the truth is..

                He lied.

                - case closed
                Last edited by Spoon23; 03-13-2016, 01:57 AM.


                  Where is Floyd's attending physician to give light to his severe dehydration? Where?

                  Pac's surgeon came out to show proof of his injury. It's that simple.

                  Where is Floyd's? It's been 10 months. What is he hiding?

                  Manny's Doctor

                  Where is Floyd's attending physician who diagnosed him with sever dehydration? Up to now not even a cameo appearance to vindicate froid from the IV scandal. Tsk tsk tsk..

                  IT's over. The con is out! The more he doesn't explain his case of sever dehydration the more he will look guilty. The more he hides it. The more it will only get louder.
                  Last edited by Spoon23; 03-13-2016, 08:08 AM.


                    Spoon -

                    But how can we believe you about anything when you've been caught posting false information so many times?

                    For all we know you're just some biased maniac out to get Floyd at all costs.

                    In the court of public opinion, NSAC & USADA both said Floyd did nothing wrong and then that was the end of it.

                    It's a handful of losers posting from the basement that are still obsessed with this. Floyd was fully exonerated. His name has already been cleared. 4.4 million homes bought the fight.

                    4.4 people still care about this. There is no taint other than you needing to take a shower and wash your taint.

                    You're SPECULATING, based on INSANE CONSPRIACY THEORIES, that Floyd lied.

                    But at least a dozen times, I've proved that you posted blatantly false information.

                    So we actually know for a fact that you're a liar.

                    And we're supposed to care that you suspect, based on your biased lunacy, that Floyd is a liar? Even though NSAC & USADA say he isn't?

                    Alright . . .


                      Trivia time:

                      How much does it take to bribe a Tesing agency if 36k is the standard cost?

                      Answer: 150k will do the trick. As Floyd has done. All test will pass or sure! Including covering up tests blood or urine results etc.
                      Last edited by Spoon23; 03-13-2016, 02:16 AM.

