Tell us what you really think Rios.
If this stuff is true Brook & his people don't seem to have much confidence in him. I have a had time with this version of Rios even making a fight with Brook interesting or close. All I see is Brook making Rios look like he's in slow motion all night & stopping him late or getting a wide decision. Although to a certain degree I do agree in boxing where its a putting asses in seats business the A side (at any level from the local undefeated guy being pushed by his small time promoter all the way up to Mayweather) controls things, rightly or wrongly.
If this stuff is true Brook & his people don't seem to have much confidence in him. I have a had time with this version of Rios even making a fight with Brook interesting or close. All I see is Brook making Rios look like he's in slow motion all night & stopping him late or getting a wide decision. Although to a certain degree I do agree in boxing where its a putting asses in seats business the A side (at any level from the local undefeated guy being pushed by his small time promoter all the way up to Mayweather) controls things, rightly or wrongly.