"They've been trading verbal shots with each other" wrong, Rousey has just been using Mayweathers name in every interview to gain publicity, Foyd has barely uttered a word about her, and when he has it hasn't really been negative.
She can complain about him not knowing who she was but I remember at the time I didn't even know who she was so to be honest it's plausible that a guy like Floyd genuinely doesn't know her when he has people calling him out all the time.
The other thing I find funny is how Rousey slags off Floyd for his out of ring antics but is good friends with Tyson, I like Tyson and I don't think he ****d that girl years ago but it's ironic how selective she's being when discussing people's private lives. She's clearly a talented fighter who's great at what she does, her accomplishments speak for themselves but this is getting old.
A father who can't read or write, who parades around with 30 ****** hood****. A man who was convicted of beating the mother of his children.
Yet you claim he is a good role model to his children?
Give it a rest.
He can't read or write, yet he can probably dig your net worth outta his couch cushions and ash trays of his cars.
He parades around 30 ****** hood****. Who are glad to be exploited as long as they're compensated. Chances are, you fall in the category of, "only as faithful as your options." And would parade around 30 of whatever your taste of women is if you could.
Convicted of beating the mother of his children, whom he has had a well documented on again off again relationship with for nearly two decades. Amd chances are, he's still ****'n her to this decade. Wonder what skeletons would be pulled outta your closet if you were relevant enough for people with unlimited resources were to go digging.
Bad role model to his kids? Not sure. I don't know him. I'm not in their home. Either way, there's been some very high class people that produced some douchebag children and visa versa.
These two should just phuck and get it over with. All this bickering through the media is annoying at this point.
Not going to happen, this is what I said in the lounge:
Fraud is gay, has a small pecker, black and a Beta, not the qualities that Ronda seems to go after. Look at the guy she's supposedly with now, a white Alpha male, the complete opposite of Fraud.
I seriously doubt he'd be able to pleasure her. Which is why he's so insecure and beats on women. He'd more than likely let her wear a strap on and get it in the ass from her.
She likes the Alpha male dominant. Fraud's an insecure Beta who pays women to be around him. Which is all for looks so people don't think he's *******ual.
Yes i am sure women like to beaten to a pulp and placed in a coma
You know how many Domestic Violence cases I have seen where the woman refuses to press charges and the man and woman are a couple hours later....I gave up on counting. If you got a thing for Rousey, hey that's you, but as I said before, you would be surprised what some women like or put up with.
Not going to happen, this is what I said in the lounge:
Fraud is gay, has a small pecker, black and a Beta, not the qualities that Ronda seems to go after. Look at the guy she's supposedly with now, a white Alpha male, the complete opposite of Fraud.
I seriously doubt he'd be able to pleasure her. Which is why he's so insecure and beats on women. He'd more than likely let her wear a strap on and get it in the ass from her.
She likes the Alpha male dominant. Fraud's an insecure Beta who pays women to be around him. Which is all for looks so people don't think he's *******ual.